Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(2)(在线收听

   Part 2. Green Transporation Festival.

  Keywords. Green Transporation Festival, oil, environment, reduce, other kinds of fuels.
  Vocabulary. hydrogen, propane, scooter, hybrid, ethanol.
  A. You are going to hear a report on green transporation festival.
  Supply the major points about the festival.
  Energy saving vehicles were part of the Green Transportation Festival in Washington D.C. last month.
  The vehicles are designed to reduce America's dependence on oil and to help the environment.
  The festival takes place at several American cities.
  There are exhibits of cars, buses and motorized bicycles at the festivals.
  Most of them use little gas or use another kind of fuel such as biodiesel, electricity, hydrogen, natural gas or propane.
  People are also urged to consider simpler ways of getting around such as walking, biking and using public transportation systems.
  Personal transporation vehicles called scooters are also gaining interest.
  These methods all are avoid or reduce the use of gasoline and diesel fuel which are made from oil.
  Individuals, students and car makers took part in the festival.
  They wanted to show people what their so-called green vehicles could do.
  Terms of students competed for prizes.
  The United States has less than 5% of the world's population, but it uses about 25% of the world's oil.
  More than half of the nation's oil is imported, most of it goes to transporation.
  But festival organizers say progress in technology is making it possible for Americans to reduce their dependence on oil for transporation.
  That's because the kinds of energy saving vehicles are increasing.
  Hybrid vehicles, for example, combine a gasoline engine and a electric motor.
  There are thousands on the road today.
  They can reduce gasoline use by as much as 50%.
  Vehicles powered by biodiesel fuel, electricity, ethanol, hydrogen or natural gas can reduce oil use by as much as 99%.
  Festival organizers say that efforts to reduce oil imports in the United States will also have important environmental and public health benefits.
  The burning of oil as fuel is responsible for a large share of the gases blamed for changes in the world climate.
  When gasoline is burned in cars, it also pollutes the air and this leads to breathing problems, cancer and other health problems.
  Organizers say that strong public demand for hybrids and vehicles that use other kinds of fuels could force carmakers to produce more such vehicles.
  And that's the goal of the Green Transportation Festival.
  B. listen again, focus on some details of the information.
  Complete the statements.