Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit9:For Peace and Development(1)(在线收听

   Unit 9. For Peace and Development.

  Part 1. Warming up.
  A. Keywords. union, organization, headquarters, fund, secretariat.
  Vocabulary. integration, mission, coherent, solidarity, autonomous, affiliate, secretariat, successor, tariff, Geneva.
  You are going to hear six abbreviations and some information about them.
  Listen carefully and write down in full the corresponding names of these organizations.
  1. EU.
  The European Union, is the result of a process of cooperation and integration which begin in 1951 between 6 countries.
  Today it has 15 member states, and its mission is to organize relations between the member states and between their peoples in a coherent manner and on the basis of solidarity.
  2. FAO.
  Food and Agricultural Organization, was established in 1945 as an autonomous organization related to the United Nations.
  Its headquarters is in Rome.
  3. IMF.
  International Monetary Fund, is an autonomous body affiliated with the United Nations.
  Its headquarters is in Washington D.C.
  4. OECD.
  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, also known as a rich man's club, was formed in 1961, with its secretariat in Paris.
  It groups 29 member countries in an organization to discuss and develop economic and social policy.
  5. WHO.
  The World Health Organization, is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
  WHO was formed in 1948, with its headquarters in Geneva.
  6. WTO.
  The World Trade Organization, was formed on January 1st, 1995, as a successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
  It is the only global international organization during with the rules of trade between nations with its secretariat in Geneva.
  B. Keywords. economic cooperation, secretariat, association, member, organization, administration, headquarters.
  Vocabulary. vehicle, encompass, treaty, aeronautics, petroleum, integral,
  Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Myanmar,
  Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Algeria, Ecuador, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia.
  An acronym is a word formed from the first or first few letters of several words.
  It is pronounced as a single word.
  Now listen to 7 acronyms and some information about them, write down the full names of these organizations.
  1. APEC.
  The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, is established in 1989, has since became the primary regional vehicle for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation among Asia Pacific Economies.
  Its secretariat is located in Singapore.
  2. ASEAN.
  The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand to promote political and economic cooperation among the member countries.
  Now it encompasses all ten countries of southeast Asia by admitting Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar.
  3. NATO.
  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was created by a treaty signed in 1949 among Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  Greece, Turkey and Germany later joined the organization.
  4. NASA.
  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a government agency in the U.S.
  The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, was created in 1960, among its members are Algeria, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.
  6. UNESCO.
  The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, is an agent of the UN with headquarters in Paries.
  7. UNICEF.
  The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, an integral part of the United Nation system, was created at the end of World War Ⅱ, to relieve the suffering of children in war-torn Europe.
  For more than 53 years, UNICEF has been helping governments, communities and families make the world a better place for children.
  It headquarters is in New York.
  C. Keywords. shhhummit, visit, elect, met, diplomatic relations, Nobel Peace Prize, demonstrations, hostage, reunite.
  Vocabulary. summit, diplomatic relations, demonstrations, hostage, Cairo, Illinois, Israeli, Palestinian.
  Now listen to some news leads, focus your attention on "who" and "what" in each lead, and write down what you hear in the given spaces.
  Arab leaders have ended an emergency summit in Cairo.
  Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji has arrived in the middle western city of Chicago, Illinois.
  It is the fourth stop on his nine-day visit to the United States.
  Finland, citizens have elected their country's first woman president of the Social Democratic Party.
  Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat have met for the first time in two months.
  At the United Nations, Portugal and Indonesia have reestablished diplomatic relations.
  South Korean President Kim Dae Jung has been named the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  Tens of thousands of people in France have held demonstrations against growing unemployment.
  Two French newsmen held hostage for two and one half months are flying home to France.
  It's two hundred more families separated by the Korean War have been reunited.