CCTV9英语新闻:China dismisses recent tension as 'old tricks'(在线收听

Chinese Ministry of National Defense has said recent incidents in the South China Sea are "old tricks" used to stir tensions and smear the reputation of Chinese armed forces. 


The Ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun made the remarks on Tuesday, in response to a US surveillance plane that flew over parts of the South China Sea last week. 


Yang also added that China and the US are maintaining a sound momentum of development on their military relationship. 


"The Chinese Navy has had to deal with the reconnaissance operations of US warships and aircraft in Chinese territory around the South China Sea for a long time," Yang said.


"Our responses are always necessary, legal and professional. The recent developments have received a lot of attention because certain countries had intensified reconnaissance operations near Chinese waters or certain parties were intentionally drawing attention to the issue."


"The purpose of this coverage, was to discredit the Chinese Navy and play up regional tensions..... It must be noted that China is working toward establishing positive interactions with the US in the Asia-Pacific region and hopes that other countries in the region will jointly safeguard peace, security and stability." 
