朗文3L看听学英语第三册 Lesson 101添加文本(在线收听

  the sale
  The sale began last week. Mother and Sue went to the shop. They walked down oxford street. Suddenly,they met Mrs Dumping. She is very excited.
  Mrs Dumping:“Oh, Mrs Clark!”
  Mum :“Look at you beautiful fur car!”
  Mrs Dumping:“I bought it for sale for only 5 pound”.
  Mum:“5 pound!It can not have 5pound!It must cost more then that!”
  Mrs dumping:“It did not. Look at the price.”
  Mum:“Where did you buy It?”
  Mrs dumping:“In that shop.” Mrs dunping said and point down the street.
  Sue:“we can not get in there.”she cried.
  Sue:“It's like a foot match!”
