澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-05-12(在线收听

 Family, small business and tax avoidance are set to be the focus of tonight’s budget in a crucial test for Treasurer Joe Hockey. The government is set to woo small business with 1.5 per cent tax cut. Multinational companies will be targeted in a tax avoidance crackdown. And companies selling digital products will be forced to charge GST. ‘In fact, if you look at what we have announced on pension, if you look at what we have announced on childcare building on what the Productivity Commission has recommended, you could argue that this year’s measures are really fair’, Josh Frydenberg on our programme a short time ago. The budget will include a four-hundred-fifty-million-dollar package to fight terrorism. Most of the funding will go towards boosting the capability of security agencies. Telecommunications companies will get one hundred thirty one million dollars to help them comply with data retention laws. Twenty two million dollars will be spent countering terrorist propaganda.

The World Anti-Doping Agency is appealing the AFL Tribunal’s ruling the cleared 34 current and former Essendon players of using a banned substance. In a statement, WADA says it will lodge an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. WADA says it will refrain from commenting further on the subject until a decision has been made by the Court. 
Al Jazeera journalist Mohamed Fahmy is suing the broadcast for one hundred million dollars. He claims the Qatari Broadcast was negligent and supported the blacklisted Muslim Brotherhood. Mohamed Fahmy, Barher Mohamed, and Peter Greste were sentenced to ten years in jail in Egypt on charges of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. Greste was deported earlier this year while Fahmy and Mohamed were freed on bail ahead of their retrial.