澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-05-22(在线收听

 Malaysia’s Prime Minister has ordered the navy to conduct the search in rescue mission for thousands of refugees adrift at sea. Foreign ministers in Malaysia and Indonesia will travel to Myanmar today for crisis talks. Many of the refugees are ethnic / fleeing Myanmar by boat. While Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand have agreed to stop turning boats away, Australia is sticking with its hardline on asylum seekers. 

“We are not gonna do anything that will encourage people to get on boats. If we do the slightest thing to encourage people to get on boats, this problem will get worse, not better up.” The prime minister there yesterday.
Now the Catholic Church says Cardinal George Pell will abide by any request to reappear before the child abuse royal commission. Cardinal Pell has denied allegations he tried to bribe the nephew of pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale to keep quiet about the abuse that he suffered at the hands of his uncle. 
Independent Senator Nick Xenophon has accused the Federal Government of bowing to pressure from the bigger miners after ruled out an iron ore inquiry. After a week of speculation, Treasurer Joe Hockey says the government has abandoned the idea after speaking with stakeholders. Fortescue Metal’s boss Andrew Forrest has accused the big miners deliberately driving down iron ore prices. 
And new report warns just travel times in Australia’s major cities could double within 15 years. To deal with traffic congestion, Infrastructure Australia’s National ordered calls for more funding for new roads and for public transport.