澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-05-29(在线收听

 A defiant FIFA boss, Sepp Blatter, is refusing to bow to growing pressure to resign. Australia and Europe have now withdrawn their support for Mr. Blatter’s bid for a fifth term as President of soccer’s world body. Fourteen people, including nine current and former FIFA officials, are facing corruption charges but Mr. Blatter has made it clear that he’s not prepared to go. ‘But it must fall to me to bear the responsibility for the reputation and wellbeing of our organisation and to find a way forward to fix things.’ Sepp Blatter there.

Now the Prime Minister’s sister Christine Forster says she believes same-sex marriage will be legal in Australia by the end of the year. Ms Foster, who is engaged to a woman, says it would be wonderful for the change to come under a conservative Prime Minister such as her brother.
ASIO boss Duncan Lewis has endorsed the government’s handling of a letter sent to the Attorney-General by the Sydney siege gunman. Man Haron Monis wrote to George Brandis just months before the deadly siege asking if it was legal to contact the leader of Islamic State. Labour says the letter should have raised red flags.
Gina Rinehart remains Australia’s richest person despite being six billion dollars poorer than last year because of plummeting iron ore prices. And in another blow, Mrs Rinehart has lost control of the family’s four billion dollar trust. Control now resides with their eldest daughter Bianca after a long-running legal battle.