澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-06-04(在线收听

 Former FIFA official Chuck Blazer has admitted to accepting bribes. Now, that related to the selection of France and South Africa to host world cups in 1998 and 2010. The admission was made in a US court in 2013, but the documents have made only now been made public. The revelation followed Sepp Blatter's decision to quit as FIFA's president. 

Allen Bond remains in a critical condition in a Perth hospital this morning after a surgery to replace a heart valve. The 77-year-old businessman is in an induced coma, and his family says his prognosis is uncertain at best. His former wife Eileen is on her way back from London to be by Allen Bond's side. 
The New South Wales' upper house has passed legislation to privatize almost half of that state's poles and wires. The government agreed to amendments by Christian Democrats MP Fred Nile which will give increased protection to electricity workers. 
And seven senior Catholic clergymen had written an open letter, endowing cardinal Gorge Pell ahead of his next appearance at the royal commission into child sexual abuse. Five archbishops and two bishops  have signed the statement which described the former archbishop of Sydney as a man of integrity who is committed to helping others. 
And finally, the Dalai Lama has arrived in Sydney for a 12-day visit to Australia. Crowds gathered in Sydney Airpot to greet him. The religious leader will visit the Blue Mountains, Brisbane and Perth. He will also travel to Uluru for the first time. The Dalai Lama was accompanied by Hollywood actor Richard Gere. 