英语口语流行话题 第14期:不能没有你 07-2(在线收听

   A: Hey! Do you have a plan or tomorrow?

  A: 嘿,你明天有安排吗?
  B: Not yet. Why? Do you have some good ideas?
  B: 暂时没呢,怎么了?你有什么好想法吗?
  A: Well, let 's go out shopping. I want to buy a new cell phone. I can see whether there are some new styles in the cell phone market.
  A: 那我们明天逛街去吧。我想换个手机,正好去手机市场看看最近有什么新款吗。
  B: What? Change it again? You just bought this one two months ago. Is it broken?
  B: 什么?又换手机?你现在用的这个是两个月前才买的。坏了吗?
  A: No, but it's already out of time now. Last week, Xiao Li bought a great cell phone with all amazing functions.
  A: 没坏啊,不过这个于机都落伍了。小丽上星期买的那个新手机,功能超级棒的。
  B: I really don't know what to say.
  B: 我真是没话说了。
  A: The cell phone is a necessity for us to follow the fashion.
  A: 手机可是当今时尚达人的必备品。
  B: Well, I really have no interest in your fashion theory. You are really a cell phone fan!
  B: 算了,懒得听你的这些时尚理论。你可真是个“手机迷”啊!