英语口语流行话题 第39期:网络江湖20-1(在线收听

   A: Hey, buddy , where have you been in the afternoon? I could not find you in your dorm.

  A: 嘿,哥们,你下午跑哪儿去了?我去寝室找你,发现你没在。
  B: I went to the internet cafe.
  B: 我去网吧了。
  A: Internet cafe again! It seems that you have spent the whole week there. What are you busy with?
  A: 又去网吧了!貌似你这一星期都在网吧混了。究竟在那忙什么呢?
  B: I have been playing a very interesting game recently. It's really exciting, and the graphics are very cool.
  B: 我最近在玩一款网络游戏,真是相当剌激,而且游戏的画面也非常酷。
  A: I see. But you'd better not be addicted to it.
  A: 我明白了。不过你最好别太沉迷于游戏。
  B: I know. so what's the matter?
  B: 知道了。你找我有什么事吗?
  A: We are going to swim tomorrow. Do you want to go together?
  A: 我们明天准备去游泳。你要不要和我们一起去?
  B: Of course! I'd like to swim very much.
  B: 当然去了。我可是非常喜欢游泳的。