英语口语流行话题 第44期:文凭贬值 22-2(在线收听

   A: Good morning. I am Zhang Jing. I am here for an interview at the request of your company.

  A: 早上好,我叫张静,应贵公司要求来此面试。
  B: Good moming, Miss Zhang. First of all, please introduce yourself briefly.
  B: 早上好,张小姐。先自我介绍一下吧。
  A: OK! I am a post-graduate from Renmin University of China with a major in International Business. I am 23 years old and I will graduate in July. I love my major very much, which is the main reason why I applied for the position within your Export and Import Department. Besides study, I took some part-time jobs related to my major during my school years, so actually I have a little experience in this kind of position. I believe I am competent at the job.
  A: 好的。我是中国人民大学国际商务专业的研究生,现年23岁,将于今年七月份毕业。我非常喜欢自己的专业,这也正是我申请贵公司进出口部门的一个主要原因。平时除了努力学习外,我还做过一些与专业相关的兼职工作,所以对于这样的工作我是有些经验的,我相信我有能力胜任贵公司的这份工作。
  B: What was your m句or during undergraduate study?
  B: 你本科时主修什么专业?
  A: Law.
  A: 法律。
  B: Why did you choose International Business instead of continuing your major?
  B: 那你为什么选择国际商务这个专业,而不是在原专业上继续深造呢?
  A: I think choosing International Business does not mean glvmg up my previous major, because they are closely related. Combining the two majors can make me achieve success more easily.
  A: 我认为选择国际商务专业并不意味着放弃我以前的专业。国际商务与法律两者之间本来就是密切联系在一起的。这两门专业相得益彰,会让我在今后的工作中更容易取得成功。