大城市小世界 Series 2 Episode 12 - Something In Common(在线收听

   Series 2 Episode 12:

  Something in Common
  This support pack accompanies:
  Big City Small World – Series 2 Episode 12
  This support pack contains the following materials:
  Before you listen
  Comprehension Task
  Vocabulary Task Carlos and Sarah's second date doesn't turn out great either. Will
  their relationship work out? Written by Chris Rose.
  Grammar Task
  Grammar Task 2
  Vocabulary Task 2
  Audio script
  Before you listen
  We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do
  the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
  Match the words and phrases in the boxes to the definitions.
  1.awful 2. crazy 3. sweet 4. in common
  5.surprise 6. stupid 7. come out 8. realise
  a. Sharing an interest
  b. To be made available
  c. Very bad
  d. To suddenly know something
  e. Without any intelligence
  f. Mad, insane
  g. Lovely, nice
  h. An unexpected event
  ? Now, listen to episode 8.
  Comprehension Task
  Choose the correct sentence.
  Which sentence is true?
  1. a) Sarah and Carlos’ date was a disaster.
  b) Sarah and Carlos’ date was a success.
  2. a) Both Sarah and Carlos like football.
  b) Neither Sarah nor Carlos like football.
  3. a) Carlos doesn’t like Sarah.
  b) Carlos likes Sarah.
  4. a) Magda thinks Carlos is horrible.
  b) Magda thinks Carlos is nice.
  5. a) Olivia wants Sarah to go the cinema with Carlos.
  b) Olivia wants Sarah to go to a concert with Carlos.
  6. a) Fadi and Olivia are going to look after Joe.
  b) Fadi and Olivia are going to go out together.
  Comprehension Task 2
  problem success time match
  idea film joke date
  Fill in the Gaps
  Fill in the gaps in the summary with the nouns in the box.
  Sarah and Carlos have been on a ________ 1
  but it wasn’t a ________ 2
  The ________ 3
  is that they went to see a football ________ 4
  and neither of them actually like
  football. It isn’t clear whose ________ 5 it was to go to a football match but it was probably Fadi’s idea
  of a ________ 6
  Now, they are going on another date. This time they are going to the cinema to see a new ________ 7
  that has just come out. Both of them like cinema so this ________ 8
  things should turn out better!
  Grammar Task
  Look at these three extracts from the recording and complete the rules with the words something or
  “You have something in common.”
  “I'm not doing anything.”
  “Are you doing anything?”
  We use _______1
  in affirmative sentences.
  We use _______2
  in negative sentences and questions.
  Now complete the dialogue using anything or something.
  A. Is there ____________3
  to eat?
  B. No, there isn’t ____________4
  left. We need to go shopping.
  A. We can buy ____________5
  on our way out later.
  B. But I don’t want to carry ____________6
  while we are out.
  A. OK, I’ll go and buy ____________7
  now and you can do ____________8
  to help.
  B. What?
  A. Don’t worry, I don’t want you to do ____________9
  difficult, just wash the dishes!
  B. OK.
  Vocabulary Task
  Choose the best adjectives to complete the sentence. Remember that some adjectives use very, but
  strong adjectives (absolute adjectives) do not.
  1. I really enjoyed that – it was very
  a) awful. b) bad. c) excellent. d) good.
  2. Have you heard their new album? It's at least as good as the last one -absolutely
  a) awful. b) bad. c) great. d) free.
  3. I don't like football; it's
  a) boring. b) crazy. c) great. d) sweet.
  4. Well, he told me that it was cold and rainy all week. It sounds like the weather was absolutely
  a) awful. b) bad. c) good. d) great.
  5. I like her new boyfriend; he treats her very well. He's very
  a) awful. b) boring. c) sweet. d) excellent.
  6. Oh, don't go and see that movie. The story is unbelievable and the jokes are very bad – it's really
  a) boring. b) funny. c) good. d) stupid.
  7. There's a cool new art gallery opening soon. It sounds very
  a) boring. b) excellent. a) great. b) interesting.
  8. Ugh! What a disappointment! That meal at the expensive new restaurant was absolutely
  a) bad. b) disgusting. a) excellent. b) sweet.
  Audio Script
  Olivia: Hi Sarah!
  Sarah: Hi!
  Magda: How are you?
  Sarah: Oh, not bad, I suppose…
  Bindyu: What’s up?
  Sarah: Nothing really... just that... well, I hope
  Carlos isn’t coming in today...
  Olivia: Why not?
  Sarah: Well, he took me out on a date last
  Magda: Great!
  Bindyu: That’s the second time you’ve been out
  together, isn’t it?
  Sarah: Yes – and it’ll be the last!
  Olivia: Oh no! What happened?
  Sarah: Well, he asked me to go out with him,
  but didn’t tell me where we were going...
  Magda: Ooh... a surprise – how great!
  Sarah: No – it wasn’t great!
  Olivia: Where did he take you?
  Sarah: To a football match!!!
  Magda: Oh. I didn’t know you liked football...
  Sarah: I don’t! I hate it!
  Olivia: Who was playing?
  Sarah: I don’t know... one team in red, the other
  team in blue... it was so boring!
  Olivia: Why did he take you there?
  Sarah: I don’t know – the stupid thing is, he
  doesn’t like football either!
  Olivia: I think I know why he took you... Hello
  Fadi! Hello Johnny!
  Fadi/Johnny: Hi all!
  Olivia: Can I ask you two a question?
  Fadi: Sure...
  Olivia: Was it your idea for Carlos to take
  Sarah to a football match?
  Fadi: Erm, er...
  Johnny: It was Fadi’s idea...
  Fadi: No it wasn’t! It was your idea!
  Olivia: OK, OK, enough.
  Fadi: So, Sarah – did you have a good time?
  Sarah: Hmmmphhh.
  Johnny: I think that means no.
  Sarah: It was awful.
  Fadi: Poor Carlos.
  Johnny: Yeah – he’s crazy about you!
  Magda: I think he’s so sweet.
  Bindyu: Yeah, he is. You should try going out
  with him again...
  Sarah: No way.
  Magda: Go on! Give him another chance!
  Sarah: I don’t know... I’m not sure...
  Bindyu: Oh... here he is now!
  Carlos: Hello everyone!
  All: Hi Carlos!
  Carlos: How are you all today?
  All: Great! Fine! Not bad...
  The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
  Olivia: So – I hear you and Sarah went out
  again last night?
  Carlos: Oh, erm, yeah... I don’t want to talk
  about it...
  Johnny: Sorry – perhaps our great idea wasn’t
  so great after all...
  Carlos: No. It wasn’t.
  Olivia: Never mind – ask her out again.
  Carlos: No way.
  Olivia: Ok. I’ll do it for you then!
  Carlos: No!
  Olivia: Yes!
  Carlos: Oh no...
  Olivia: Hey, Sarah – I’ve just seen there’s a
  great new film coming out this
  Sarah: Oh yeah? Sounds good – I love cinema.
  Why don’t we go together?
  Olivia: OK... oh! No... I’ve just realised – I can’t
  go to the cinema this weekend. I have to
  look after Joe...
  Bindyu: I’d love to come, but I’m helping Olivia
  with Joe...
  Johnny: I’m working all weekend... as usual!
  Fadi: Yeah – I’d go, but I’m playing football
  with Harry.
  Carlos: I’m not doing anything. I love cinema.
  Sarah: I didn’t know you liked cinema! You
  never told me...
  Olivia: Excellent! Carlos can go with you! You
  have something in common.
  Sarah: Oh well... erm... OK then...
  Carlos: Great – I’m looking forward to it!
  Olivia: Fadi – are you really playing football
  with Harry this weekend?
  Fadi: Yeah... only on Saturday afternoon
  Olivia: So you’re free on Saturday night?
  Fadi: Erm, yeah...
  Olivia: You’re not going out with one of your
  Fadi: Erm, no...
  Olivia: Well, Bindyu will look after Joe on
  Saturday night.
  Fadi: So?
  Olivia: So I’m not doing anything on Saturday
  Fadi: Oh...
  Olivia: Look – I mean – why don’t we go out
  Fadi: Us? Me and you?
  Olivia: Yes.
  Fadi: Erm... er... OK... yeah! Great! Let’s go
  out for something to eat!!!
  Olivia: Finally! I thought you’d never ask!!!
  All: (laughter)
  Answers 1. c; 2. f; 3. g; 4. Preparation Task a; 5. h; 6. e; 7. 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; Comprehension Task 1 b; 8. d; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b;
  1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4.
  Vocabulary Task
  9. anything;
  7. something; 8. something;
  something; 6. anything;
  anything; 4. anything;5.
  1. something; 2. anything; 3.
  Grammar Task
  8. time
  4. match; 5. idea; 6. joke; 7. film;
  1. date; 2. success; 3. problem;
  Comprehension Task 2
  a; 5. c; 6. d; 7.
  b; 8. b;