美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-6-13(在线收听

 President Obama has ordered the deployment of up to 450 more US troops to Iraq to advise and assist local forces to con-fighting on the Islamic State extremist. Under the plan, the US will open the fifth training site in Iraq in hope of intergrading Iraq Forces and Sunni fighters

A New Jersey Transit bus rear-ended a private bus carrying Canadian school children inside the Lincoln Tunnel, traffic slow down one of the busiest routes for commuters entering and leaving New York City, more than 30 were injured.
A Georgia prosecutor dismisses murder charges against the 23-year-old woman. She has been inducing an abortion like taking pill. Kenlissia Jones in Albany was released from jailed for three days. Shi still faces misdemeanor charges has been her drug possession.
And the Queen of England might have mad for match. The little approached the Queen at the xx Epson Derby xx when he pursuit the xx that hands for shake. The Queen happily accepted the young man’s greeting.