

The U.S. Supreme Court decision mandating marriage equality nationwide has energized gay rights supporters around the world. Gay rights remain a highly contentious issue in a key U.S. ally, South Korea, where police did a deft job Sunday of preventing potential clashes between Christian protesters and gay activists.


A massive police presence and physical barriers kept thousands of Christian activists from accessing a gay pride festival Sunday near Seoul City Hall.


But just outside the perimeter, they beat the drums of condemnation. Church groups held signs blaming homosexuality for the spread of AIDS, and saying gay love and gay marriage have no place in Korea.

而就在活动的外围,他们击鼓表示谴责。 教会团体举着指责同性行为传播艾滋病的标语,称韩国不容许同性恋和同性婚姻。

“When something is wrong you must tell them that it is wrong. You cannot just keep your distance, or try to hide it,” said pastor Joy Kim. You need to tell them with no uncertainty that if they live this way, their small pleasures with cause your family and your nation to suffer.”

牧师乔伊·金(Joy Kim)说:“当有不对的事情发生的时候,你必须指出错误所在。 你不能只是敬而远之,或者试图掩盖。 你需要坚决地告诉他们,如果他们这样生活,你自己的小乐趣将会使你的家庭和民族遭受苦难。”

But once inside the heavily guarded perimeter, a festive mood prevailed at the pride festival.


Visitors got a chance to snap a photo with likenesses of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at an exhibition booth sponsored by the United States Embassy.


“We see this as part of our policy on global human rights. The fact that we are here supporting a Korean festival which has been around for 16 years, with about a dozen other embassies - I think we all really just want to show that we are supportive of LGBT human rights here in Korea,” said U.S. diplomat Anthony Tranchini.

美国外交官安东尼·德兰齐纳说:“我们将此视作是美国全球人权政策的一部分。 事实上,我们和其它十几家大使馆来到这里,是表达对活动日的支持,韩国举办这个活动已经16年了。我们只是要表明,我们支持韩国同性恋和变性者的人权。”

Sunday’s event culminated in a march around the local area by tens of thousands of gay rights supporters.


Despite some occasional taunting across the barricades, the clashes many feared never happened - something many credit to the crowd control proficiency of the South Korean police force.


Meanwhile, gay activists remained dismissive of the Christian groups’ hardline approach to same-sex issues.


“They say that they know the Bible. They say that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is bad, but what they are showing is not love. So this is hypocrisy. This is the epitome of hypocrisy. This is the epitome of hate,” said activist Gabriel.


For now, the mood is upbeat, but South Korean gay activists know they have ahead of them a long uphill struggle to achieve the kind of breakthrough the recent Supreme Court decision gave their counterparts in the United States.


