澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-06-19(在线收听

 US authorities have arrested the gunman accused of killing nine people in the South Carolina Church. Twenty-one-year-old Dylann Roof was caught in North Caroline after an extensive manhunt. US President Barack Obama has declared the shooting a hate-crime and says it raised more questions about gun control.

Flat allegations have surfaced about Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s past with the Australian Workers Union. Workers at the Melbourne firm Winslow Constructors have told the ABC that Mr. Shorten signed off on 2004 enterprise bargaining agreement that was never actually endorsed by a vote. Bill Shorten’s appearance at the Trade Union’s Royal Commission has been brought forward to July 8th. 
The Communication Minister Malcolm Turnbull has denied reports he’s involved in a cabinet veto for citizenship laws. The proposal to strip citizenship from dual nations suspected of terrorism has reportedly caused friction within the government. Mr. Turnbull says only a small change needed to ensure the bill at hears to the constitution.
The Pope released his long-anticipated / on climate change blaming human selfishness for the destruction of the earth. In the 200 paged decree released by Vatican spokesman, the pope calls on the rich to change their lifestyles, saying the earth--our home is beginning to look more and more like an immense pilot veil.