澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-06-20(在线收听

 First, it's going to be big factorial across much of the eastern and central parts of the continents is high pressure system becomes the dominant feature through the weekend. So it gonna bring small * winds along past of the New South Wales coast and that means potential its smallest led coast from showers similar scenario through the far southeast coast of Queensland and northeastern tropics. The wettest and most widespread weather will be in western Australia. So the Queensland mostly dry and sunny days smallest led through the southern and central inland led showers about the far southeast coast and a few showers in the northeastern tropics. For New South wales, the bog showers gonna be between about the fast through to just south of the * , most about for those will be just very coastal elsewhere, a probably generally dry day. Through Victoria, mostly dry and sunny cross anyway north of the ranges need to * , we could have seen one or two around the suburbs of Melbourne. We will see it gotta very first its up the day Tasmania, few showers about the west and far south coast that will be low and isolated. South Australia also looking at across anyway through the eastern districts, potentially up through some of the northern areas as well, but it should be generally dry. But the different story through western Australia, anyway through the southern half looking at its potential of showers and some thunder rain developing about the central west laddering day  far away the warnings for the *  Adelaide region and it would be dry day.
