

A new dress by British retailer Roman Originals attracted the world's attention when an international survey showed that people looking at it on the Internet could not agree on what color it is.

英国零售商Roman Originals的一件新衣服吸引了全世界的眼球,一份国际调查显示人们在互联网上看到后对于它的颜色说法不一。

What color is this dress?It's blue and black;it's white and gold.


So what are the true colors? Images uploaded on various social media websites caused a worldwide debate Friday, with many celebrities voicing support for one camp or another. The photo also got some people worrying about whether they needed to see an eye doctor, especially after the British retailer gave a definite answer.

那么到底真正的颜色是什么呢? 星期五这张图片上传到各大社交媒体网站后引起了全球大讨论,许多名人表示支持一方或另一方阵营。这张照片也使得一些人担心自己是否需要去看眼科医生,尤其是这家英国零售商给出确切答复后更加剧了人们的担忧。

"I would like to definitely resolve this big enigma by clarifying that the color is royal blue and black.It is not white and gold at all.But we are happy to put into production the white and gold if the demand comes along."


Optometry experts say the photo is a perfect example of how people's brains perceive color and process contrast in dramatically different ways.


"The visual system is very complex between males and females, or just between individuals.So context has to do with, lighting has to do with how we see things, and ultimately our brain is what interprets."



Managers at Roman Originals said they had no idea that the dress, shot in a particular light, might be perceived in different color schemes-not until Friday, anyway, when they were flooded by phone calls and emails. The retailer said there were a million hits on its sales site in the first 18 hours following the photo's distribution.

