

Today, when news of a sports scandal breaks, it becomes a problem for everyone involved, including corporate sponsors and advertisers. They can pay a heavy price for their actions — or inaction.


“Sponsors and advertisers really have to react almost immediately when news of a scandal breaks," said Lee Igel, co-director of Sports & Society, a New York University academic program. "Before, in the past, even in the past handful of years, we've been able to see that there can be a little bit of a waiting. You can really try to read the market, read customers and see how people are feeling. Now, that no longer exists.”


In the case of football's governing body FIFA, the stakes are particularly high — perhaps so high that no major sponsor has yet to pull out.  Igel said there is too much money and too many years of planning involved for any sponsor to easily back down.


Meanwhile, four sports marketing executives and an unnamed “major U.S. sportswear company” — widely presumed to be Nike — are at the center of investigations into alleged bribes and kickbacks.


Economist Fredy Marin said FIFA established its own set of financial rules, leaving corporations with little choice.

经济学者弗雷迪·马林(Fredy Marin)说,国际足联建立了自己的金融规则,让合作公司别无选择。

“The rules were there," Marin said. "The only thing that they had to do was accept it. They say, ‘OK, if you want to advertise, you have to pay extra fees in order to gain your rights.  Are you willing to do it?'  'Oh, is there another option? No! So, I have to do it.’ ”

他说:“规则就摆在那里。他们唯一要做的就是接受。他们说,‘好吧,如果你想要做广告,你必须支付额外的费用才能拿到授权。你愿意这样做吗? 哦,有另外的选择吗? 没有!所以,我必须这么做。’”

Ethics and compliance expert Jeff Thinnes of JTI Inc., a business strategy consultant, thinks otherwise.  He said corporations collectively carry heavy economic weight and influence, and only need to understand how to use it effectively.

伦理和守法专家、JTI公司首席执行官和创始人杰夫·廷内斯(Jeff Thinnes)却有不同的想法。他说,各公司作为集合体,有着巨大的经济份量和影响力,它们只需要了解如何有效地使用它。

“Of the roughly 12 tier-one and tier-two corporate sponsors, if you look at their collective annual revenue, you reach something like $450 billion," Thinnes said. "I mean, if they were a country, that would put them roughly 25th or 27th on the list of GNI [gross national income] top countries in the world.”

他说:“在大约12家顶级和次顶级的赞助商中,如果你查看他们共同的年度利润,你会看到约 4500 亿美金。我的意思是,如果他们是一个国家,那么他们的GNI(国民总收入)在世界上可以排到约25到27名。

Thinnes said that what's missing in the world of sports is an “integrity pact” — an agreement among competing corporations to increase transparency about how they pursue opportunities.


