减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第43期:听听你的胃怎么说(在线收听

   Unit 43 Listen to your stomach.

  Unit 43 听听你的胃怎么说
  For many people ,a weight problem is linked to a more basic problem-they can tell when they’re really hungry.Something tells them to eat.but that "something"is not necessarily hunger,They eat because a clock tells them it's time to eat.because everybody around them is eating or because something looks too scrumptions to pass up.They may be quite satisfied,even stuffed,but they go ahead and eat anyway.
  Can you remember the last time you experienced hunger pangs?Not just a little twitch or two but a real stomach grumble.Were you really hungry the last time you ate, or did your hand just happen to be in close proximity to that bag of potato chips? Your stomach has been cleverly designed to shout when it’s hungry. So listen up,remembering that you can’t hear it very well if you’re busy chewing.
  1.pass to ...放弃;放过
  2.in proximity to. . . 在……的附近
  3.listen up 注意听