美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-07-13(在线收听

 1.A law and force official says the gun used in a seemingly random fatal shooting of a woman on the Sanfrancisco peer belongs to a federal agent. Mexican natinal-won francisco Lopez says he did not guilty to first-degree murder and said he found the gun wrapped in a shirt on a tier.

2.many athenians rushed to ATMs Wednesday, fearing what could happen to their savings amid their country's uncertain economic future. the prime minister spend his day and talked with European leaders to work out bailout plans for Greece's economy.
3.Freshman quarterback ~~has been dismissed from the Florida State University's football team. ~ misdemeanor of fault charges following the surveillance video showing him punching a woman in a bar.
4.Pope Francis graps that the first part of his South American ~ mate with a slipper of  new economic and ecological world order. He spoke about  the world by the good sephere are shared by everyone and not just exploited by the rich.