美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-07-14(在线收听

 This is AP news minute.

1. South Carolina governor Nikki Haley signed a bill into law on Thursday, approving the removal of the confederate flag from Statehouse grounds. After hours of debate, the house easily approved the senate bill with the two-third vote. The flag is expected to be taken down on Friday.
2.Secretary of the State John Kerry says the U.S. will not be "rushed" into a deal with Iran. Kerry said that talks between the U.S and Iran will likely to extend on Friday, complicating efforts to quickly implement a nuclear agreement as deal is reached.
3.Protesters rallied against Donald Trump outside the site of his plant's luxurious hotel in Washington.Local leaders joined the protest,  angered by recent remark Trump made, saying that some Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists. Trump is running for the republican presidential nomination.
4. In London. a tube strike thwarted commuters plan on Thursday. Long line harmed the commuters search for alternative transportation. The strike by the city's underground rail workers is expected to last 24 hours.
Padmananda Rama, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.