美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-07-16(在线收听

 1.Euro zone's top officials executively have talked for a whole week for new bailout programme for Greece to be worked out . Under the deal reached Monday, Greece must take measures to reform its economy inorder to find negotiations on the third multi-billion-dollar bailout program.

2. The U.S. is promising to help Mexico's government reescaped drug kingsen Joaquin el chapo Guzman to justice. He escaped Saturday from Mexico's maximum security prison through a tunnel, setting off a massive manhunt.
3.On the eve of NASA's strike fly-by of Pluto, scientists announced a new horizen spacecraft has now decided  the far-away~world. Measurement by the spacecraft said crucial on Tuesday after a nine and a half journey shows Pluto's radius about 736 miles, almost 30 miles bigger than previous estimate.
4.Bill Cosby's art collection is ~~ on view at the Smithsonian. Officials decide to keep public and exhibit in showcase a few Bill Cosby's private African American art collections, saying it's about the artists and not Cosby.