2015-05-13 BBC:星光七纪元-33(在线收听

 Bloating in old age to become red giants;their cores contracting into white dwarves; The most massive ones exploding as supernovae; Fleeing the elements they have created, out into space to form the materials for the next generation of stars. But that's not the end of the story. Supernovae may look like the death of a star, but for some there's life beyond the grave. Understanding that took a particular breed of science. They probed deep into their own imagination and a world of calculations. And what they found there were predicitons of objects so bizarre, so weird that we are only beginning to understand them. In the process, unravelling even deeper secrets about the universe. The faintest signals picked up from the deeper space have revealed to modern scientists exotic stellar tombstones, tombstones first predicted in the theoretical calculations of the maverick Swiss astronomer ? more than eighty years ago.
