2015-06-19 BBC:星光七纪元-44(在线收听

 We may never know for sure whether there is life elsewhere. But we do know a lot about where we came from. And that’s because we’ve learned so much about things here on earth from looking far out into space. They discover that stars are not turned out that they actually have the birth, their lives and they eventually die, is one of the great achievements more than science. And even more amazing that we have achieved that from this little vantage point in the corner of galaxy, the milky way. Imagine that we live in a completely cloudy planet, say, like Venus. Then nobody ever has seen into stars, the moving of the sky, I wonder our culture, our science would have been completely different, our lives would have completely be different. So, how lucky we are to be here with this beautiful transparent atmosphere that allows us to admire the majestic display of the starry night. By looking at the stars, generations of imaginative scientists have stretched the bounderies of knowledge, discovering truth stranger than fiction, and through the stars, uncovered the story of universe. But like all good tales, it will all eventually come to an end. About 100 trillion years from now, the raw materials for new stars will run out. The last will play out their lives and their remanents gradually fade until finally the one remaining cinder goes cold and the light would be extinguished from universe.
