2015-07-01 BBC:巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密-3(在线收听

 The most ambitious of these studies is the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project, led by experts from Birmingham University And Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Austria.-As people walk over the Stonehenge landscape, they are aware of Stonehenge. They may be aware of some of the large monuments, but they don't appreciate that thousands of years of human occupancy in this landscape, produces features that we simply do not know about. The project is using remote sensing technology to try and map that, to discover and display it for the first time. With state-of-the-art remote sensing equipment, the team have mapped every structure, both visible and invisible across 10 square kilometres of the sacred site.

-We can do a virtual dig of this landscape and see what is hidden beneath the surface. With machines like this, we can come up with a picture which has a resolution of tens of centimetres. This is something absolutely new. With all the scan data collected, the team have produced a multilayer digital map that showed how the landscape developed over thousands of years.