2015-07-29 BBC:巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密-11(在线收听

 Based on similar discoveries in continental Euro, professor Noibao identified it can be a long barrel tomb, known as a long barrow.

33 meters, that's a normal length of a continental long barrow. These are really huge buildings, and they actually get this in the landscape, it's just amazing. The data showed the monuments' original land consist of wooden pillars and timber walls.The presents of long barrows marks a major shift and the culture life of this ancient world. Around 9000 years ago, mainland Europe underwent a social technological revolution, the neolithic era.Characterized by farming and permanent settlement, the new culture and its ideas soon expanded west.Before the finally crossed into Britain about 4000 BCE. Along with the development of agriculture, the neolithic age harrowed the emergence of long barrow barrel tombs.