新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/06/23(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick with you this Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
China unveiling a plan for a parade to mark victory in the Chinese People's War Of Resistance against Japanese Aggression...
A top Chinese official calling for increased cultural exchanges between China and the United States...
And Samsung apologizing for the MERS outbreak at its affiliated hospital in Seoul...
Business....Bank of China joins a gold price setting auction in London...
In Sports.... a look at tomorrow's Chinese Super League Action...
In Entertainment....the Hollywood Walk of Fame to get several new additions...
TopChina unveils plans for first ever Victory Day parade to mark end of WWIIAnchor:
China has unveiled plans for a major military parade in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Asia and Japan's surrender.
Japan signed a formal surrender on September 2, 1945 bringing an end to its occupation of parts of China and the Korean peninsula. China has issued a new decree to celebrate September 3 as the country's official "Victory Day" each year, from this year onward.
CRI's Poornima Weerasekara has more.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.
It will be the first time that China has held a parade to commemorate the event.
President Xi Jinping and other leaders will attend the ceremony on September 3 to mark the end of the war following Japan's invasion of China. Last month, Xi joined Russian President Vladimir Putin for a similar military parade in Moscow's Red Square marking the defeat of Nazi Germany.
Qu Rui, Deputy Director of the Parade Steering Group Office under the General Staff Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army, China's armed forces, says the parade aims to preserve the memory of the sacrifices made by the Chinese people.
"This military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory against Japanese aggression aims to make a statement of our nation's determination to follow a path of a peaceful development, and our firm determination to protect world peace, to protect our nation's sovereignty and security, and our development interests. We also want to make a statement of the Chinese people's sacrifice and historical contribution to the fight against fascism."President Xi is expected to hand out medals to veterans and families of martyrs who fell in the line of duty.
Several Kuomintang (KMT) veterans have also been invited to take part in the military parade.
Foreign troops have also been invited for the event that will showcase China's new homemade weapons systems.
China has issued a new decree to celebrate September 3 as the country's official "Victory Day" each year, from this year onward.
Wang Shiming, Vice Minister of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party's Central Committee says the day has also been made a national holiday"Every year the 3rd of September will be set as Victory Day against Japan's aggression. These decisions are based on that on September the 2nd, 1945, the Japanese government signed a letter of formal surrender, which symbolises the end of the "Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, and the victory of the world's anti-fascist war'."A series of activities have been planned in September to draw attention to Japan's war-time legacy of aggression.
A traditional "bell-striking" ceremony will be held in northeast China's Shenyang city on September 18, to mark one of the earliest acts of violence that marked the beginning of Japan's aggression against China. A public memorial service will also be held for the 300,000 people killed in the Nanjing Massacre.
For CRI I'm Poornima Weeraskeara.
Chinese vice premier calls for further China-U.S. cultural exchangesAnchor:
Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong has called for further exchanges in the sector of culture and art between China and the United States.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong made the remarks before the opening concert of the China-U.S. Composers Project at the music hall of Mayflower Renaissance Hotel in the U.S. capital of Washington DC.
"The China-U.S. Composers Project highlights art festivals, concerts and other forms of musical arts. It offers an innovative platform for musicians of the two countries to conduct cooperation. I believe the composers and performers of the two countries will find inspiration during such exchanges and their music will help foster a closer bond between the peoples."Liu Yandong adds that music has no boundaries and it could play a unique role in exchanges between China and the United States.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for educational and cultural affairs Evan Ryan agrees.
"Tonight, we will hear the results of collaboration between some of our best composers. What a wonderful way to start off the next two days' consultations. Cultural diplomacy strengthens the bonds between our two nations. All of your hear this evening play a critical role in building our relationship for future generations. I wish you every success in these efforts."Evan Ryan says that the U.S. government has sent musicians, dancers, film experts and writers as well as students to China for cultural exchange programs over the past year.
Ryan adds that cultural exchange programs supported by nongovernmental organizations have also helped the two peoples strengthen connections.
The China-U.S. Composers Project aims to promote the music work of contemporary composers in both countries and enhance mutual understanding of the two peoples.
Vice Premier Liu Yandong has also met representatives of American youth in Washington.
Liu encourages American young people to come to China and experience the real country.
"I hope you cherish this opportunity and come to China to experience a real China, a country with a long history and current reform and opening up."Vice Premier Liu Yandong joins U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in kicking off this year's U.S.- China Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges.
China and the United States have been holding the annual talks yearly since 2009.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
US Seeks Strong, Productive Relationship with China: SpokesmanChina and the U.S. are set to start their annual high-level talks later today to discuss deepening cooperation on strategic and economic issues as well as people-to-people exchanges.
Just prior to the opening, a U.S. State Department spokesperson says his country is seeking a strong, productive relationship with China.
John Kirby made the remark in reply to Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang's comments in his article published in the Wall Street Journal.
Wang Yang portrayed the China-US strategic and economic dialogue will be a two-way process of learning, adapting and a significant means of resolving differences between the two sides.
Kirby notes the US welcomes the rise of a peaceful prosperous China.
"We've long welcomed and said we would welcome the rise of a peaceful prosperous China. And we know it's one of the most critical relationships that we are gonna have in the world going forward. So certainly more dialogue is always useful and productive. That's what we are trying to get at in the next couple of days here."Kirby also believes de-escalating the dispute over the South China Sea will be a common goal of the two sides.
"That's certainly the goal. Obviously it's in nobody's interest for conflict to ensue as a result of these issues, or for tensions to rise. The goal here is to de-escalate tensions and this is clearly an area where we don't see eye-to-eye with the Chinese."The dialogue will be co-chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang and State Councilor Yang Jiechi and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.
The sixth China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange will be held concurrently with the dialogue.
China says South China Sea not an issue with U.SChina is noting that the South China Sea issue is not and should not be one between China and the United States.
This comes in response to the United States accusing China of militarizing outposts in the South China Sea.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang says that the China stated several times that the land reclamation on South China sea is within the scope of Chinese sovereignty.
Meanwhile, He adds that China agrees with the United States to pursue closer bilateral cooperation in countering various global issues.
"It is inevitable that both sides sometimes have different views or disputes as their interests increasingly overlap. The development history of China-U.S. relationship shows that their cooperation far outweighs disputes. Both sides have reached a consensus on expanding dialogue and communication and controlling disputes, in order to focus on win-win cooperation and jointly addressing global challenges."The annual high-level talks between the two sides begin today in Washington.
Efforts Urged to Deal with Adolescent ViolenceAnchor:
More efforts are being urged to address a spreading epidemic of adolescent violence in China.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
In the latest case, a middle school student in eastern Zhejiang province tied up a Grade-2 pupil in a dark room, punching the kid and scalding him with a burning cigar butt.
He committed the violence in front of three of his schoolmates.
The four are under the police investigation now.
Concerns over adolescent violence have mounted in China in recent years.
Photos and video clips that show minors insulting their schoolmates with physical and verbal abuse can be easily found now in the country's cyberspace.
In some cases, the young victims were even forced to pose nude before cameras.
Professor Pi Yijun with China University of Political Science and Law says teenagers are naturally prone to committing violence.
"Generally speaking, teenagers can hardly think in a mature way and usually behave in a flippant and wayward manner. They have more activities than children and their physical conditions are nearly the same as adults', but meanwhile, they are weak in controlling themselves, which make it relatively easy for them to cross the line."Pi points out that doting parents is another factor leading to the unruliness of teenagers.
He suggests greater importance should be attached to moral education.
"Many teenagers committed violence since they had realized that laws would not punish those aged under 14. So it's more important to inculcate the sense of social morality into their minds than simply tell them about laws. They should know there are barriers to freedom."In the meantime, Xiong Bingqi from the 21st Century Education Research Institute urges schools to increase the awareness among students of respect for everyone.
"Many of our schools have seldom taught students to respect others and cherish the life, so in many cases of adolescent violence, the offenders showed severe cruelty. We must pay more attention to the education in this regard before it's too late."Experts also blame the lack of laws pertinent to adolescent crime in the country.
Current Chinese laws stipulate that offenders aged under 18 should not be imprisoned, while teenagers under the age of 14 will not face criminal penalties.
To address this, Pi Yijun is calling for special legislation.
"Our effort in dealing with this problem is still far away from being enough. It's widely believed that laws originally formulated for adults can also apply to teenager offenders, but it's not feasible indeed. We have also enacted a special law aiming to prevent adolescent crime, but it looks more like an empty uniform."So far, some foreign countries have established special law systems for teenagers. In the US, young offenders attend juvenile courts and educational institutions, while punishments for their parents and compensation for the victims of violent acts have also been mandated.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Greece debt crisis talks make progressEurozone leaders have agreed to finalize the Greek debt talks later this week.
Greece has offered new proposals for dealing with its tough financial situation.
European Union President Donald Tusk gave a tentative endorsement to the new proposals, which were offered at a Eurogroup meeting on Monday.
"And the latest Greek proposals are the first real proposals in many weeks. Although they still need, it's obvious to me, the assessment of the institutions and further work, of course. But, you know, the most important thing is that the leaders take full responsibility for the political process to avoid the worst case scenario, which means uncontrollable, chaotic 'Graccident'."Greece requires financial aid before June 30, when the country is due to pay about 1.6 billion euro to the International Monetary Fund.
The failure to unlock further financial aid will lead to Greece's default and even its exit from the euro zone.
The Monday Eurogroup meeting was widely seen as the last opportunity for Greece and its international creditors to bridge the gaps over debt talks.
For more on this, CRI's Tu Yun spoke earlier with Mike Bastin, Senior Lecturer at Southampton Solent University and Visiting Professor at the University of International Business and Economics.
Samsung apologizes for MERS outbreak in affiliated hospitalThe vice chairman of the Samsung Group Lee Jae-yong has made a public apology for the massive outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome at Samsung Medical Center.
The apology comes amid growing calls for an investigation into why authorities did not act earlier after a patient at Samsung Medical Center was confirmed to have been infected with MERS.
It was later found out that of all the MERS patients in South Korea, almost half of them could be traced to the Samsung hospital.
Lee pledged his group will make all-out efforts to resolve the MERS outbreak.
"We will take the responsibility and treat the patients until they are cured. We will endeavor to our utmost to resolve the MERS situation as soon as possible by collaborating with the authorities concerned. We have not met the trust and expectations of the public. I feel terrible. I feel deeply responsible for this situation."Meanwhile, a pregnant woman diagnosed with MERS in South Korea has given birth by Caesarian section. Both the mother and child are in good health.
The total number of infected with MERS in South Korea now stands at 175, with 3 more cases confirmed on Tuesday. No deaths were reported overnight.
Currently 94 patients are still being treated, and 54 people have been discharged.
Of all the 27 deaths, most are elderly patients or people who had pre-existing illnesses.
Radar failure temporarily grounds all flights in New ZealandA nationwide radar system failure in New Zealand has caused a temporary ground of all the country's flights for safety.
The radar failure hit about a quarter to 3 in the afternoon local time.
In issuing an apology, Airways New Zealand Chief Operating Officer Pauline Lamb said the pilots managed the incident very well.
"The pilots would have noticed a disruption in the radio communications but those procedures, those safe procedures, enabled us to put aircraft on the ground safely."It took the office about two hours to resume full service of the radar. About 160 of its international and domestic flights were affected.
National carrier Air New Zealand said it had resumed flights Tuesday afternoon but the backlog would take some time to clear.
The cause of the incident is still under investigation.
Abbott: New Law Would Strip Jihadists of NationalityAustralia is planning to strip dual citizens fighting for the Islamic State of their Australian citizenship through coming legislation.
A draft is to be introduced into the country's parliament on Wednesday.
The law would automatically strip the citizenship of dual nationals convicted or suspected of terror offences.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says there will be two new circumstances under which dual-national terrorists will forfeit their citizenship.
(bjh/soundbites/0623 Abbott)"One is renunciation by conduct. So if you engage in terrorism against Australia, as is currently the case with Section 35 in respect of a foreign army, you will automatically forfeit your citizenship. The other is revocation by conviction, so if you are convicted of a terrorist offence, again, there will be an assumption that your Australian citizenship is forfeited, should you be a dual national."Abbott says the government is considering making the law retroactive so that people already convicted could be deported on release from prison.
The law could apply in future to Australians who were not dual nationals.
More than 100 Australians have left the country to support IS in Syria and Iraq, raising concerns about radicalisation and whether they pose a security threat on return.
Australia raised its threat level to high last September and has since carried out a series of counter-terrorism raids, with several alleged plots foiled this year.
Public piano is music to the ears of residents in impoverished cityAnchor:
A piano in a pop-up park is providing music therapy for people in one of the United States' most impoverished cities.
As CRI's Yu Yang reports, it's music to the ears of the local "Street Mozarts" who come to show off their skills.
42-year-old plumber Kobie Mack usually tries his hand at a bit of piano playing on his lunch break.
He's not busking, he's just one of many people each day using this public piano to escape their worries and relax.
"This is my, I could say, hobby. It spiritually lifts me to come out here and play the keyboard, just relax, you know? Lunchtime or whatever time I get a chance - I might just be walking through on a Saturday or a Sunday and come right over here."His efforts are the perfect accompaniment for lunch on a sunny day, for local teacher, Ariselys Cruz.
"I hear a lot of things about Camden that are not necessarily positive. And this is like a small little oasis."The piano is part of a pop-up park that opened last year on Roosevelt Plaza, a new park in Camden, a city that ranks among the country's most impoverished and crime-ridden.
There's an ongoing effort to reinvent the city.
In the past few years, the county government has taken over police patrols and hired more officers, and the state has taken over operations of the school district.
State tax incentives are also being used to attract more businesses.
The park in front of City Hall that includes the piano is part of a project to bring life to underused open places.
It's the first chance that 51 year old Bruce Chorzelewski has had to play a piano since last autumn, when he was in a mental health centre.
"I was homeless for three years, three years at one time, and then I had to build myself back up to get back off my feet again. I never took a lesson in my life."The instrument is weather-worn, some keys are missing and others, are dead, but for all the players, the public piano is a tool to achieve a few moments of inner peace.
The piano stands on a site of a former office building which had long been an eyesore.
But now, it's a green oasis in the city's heart that has won a handful of design awards.
Sikora Wells Appel, a landscape architecture firm that designed the park and suggested including the piano, says the plan was to put the instrument away for the winter.
But it became such a part of people's routines that it could not be removed.
The piano will be replaced in coming weeks with another used, and possibly more durable instrument.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
China's Gaokao results of 9 million students to be released soonThe results of China's college entrance examination are expected to be released across the country this week.
Most of the test authorities in China will start to release results today.
Universities in China will launch their annual admission work in early July.
Students will then start their applications for school choosing.
Over nine million students across the country took the exam.
Supermarkets to form information-sharing platform to ensure food safetySupermarkets in China are planning to join forces to form an information-sharing platform to ensure food safety.
The move is in response to the requirement of the newly-revised Food Safety Law.
Commodities information, as well as food quality monitoring and assessment information will all be stored in the platform.
Since June, some 20 large supermarket chains have carried out self-inspections, wiping out food safety risks within their own enterprises.
The platform will also share information with other associations.
The new law comes into effect this October, at which time consumers can ask for advanced compensation from supermarkets and other operators when their rights and interests are infringed upon.
WeatherBeijing, overcast to cloudy tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; tomorrow will see thunderstorms with a high of 30.
Shanghai expects thunderstorms tonight with a low of 24, tomorrow still wet with a high of 31.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 25, rainy tomorrow with a high of 30.
Lhasa, wet tonight with a low of 11, tomorrow cloudy to rainy with a high of 2.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, rainy tomorrow, 31.
Kabul, also rainy, 27.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney , cloudy with a high of 19.
Brisbane, rainy with a high of 19.
Perth, cloudy, 17.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be sunny with a high of 12 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsKMT veterans and foreign militaries to be invited to attend V-Day paradeChina has invited some Kuomintang veterans and foreign militaries to take part in a military parade this fall in Beijing.
The parade is part of the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the victory in World War II.
It's the first time that foreign troops have been invited to participate in this commemoration.
The military parade will be held at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on September 3rd.
Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the event and give remarks.
Xi Jinping will also award commemoration medals in person to veterans of the war and other high-ranking officers.
Chinese premier to attend China-EU leaders' meetingIt has been announced that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will attend the 17th China-EU leaders' meeting later this month in Brussels.
This meeting is the first since the change in EU leadership.
Li Keqiang is set to visit Belgium and pay an official visit to France from June 28 to July 2.
He also plans to visit the headquarters of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris.
The Chinese premier has been invited by Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and OECD Secretary General Jose Angel Gurria Trevino.
Chinese vice premier calls for further China-U.S. cultural exchangesVisiting Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong has called for further exchanges on culture and art between China and the United States.
Liu made the remarks before the opening concert of the China-U.S. Composers Project at a music hall in Washington on Monday evening.
She said the China-U.S. Composers Project offers an innovative platform for musicians of the two countries to conduct cooperation.
The project aims to promote the music work of contemporary composers from both sides and enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples.
The United States government for its part has sent musicians, dancers and film experts to China for cultural exchanges in past years.
Japan's ruling LDP plans leadership election on Sept. 20 reportJapan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party is eyeing its triennial presidential election on September 20th.
Current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to secure his position without a contest.
It is reported that details of the election may be officially announced in early September.
Meanwhile, the Diet of Japan has decided to extend its current session for more than three months through September 27th.
Biz reportsStocksTurning now to business news.
First a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Tuesday evening.
Chinese stocks rebounded amid volatility after crashing for their steepest weekly loss since the global financial crisis.
Analysts attributed the rebound to an easing of liquidity in the stock market as money locked for the new listings of stocks last week has gradually moved back.
Aviation and liquor stocks led the gains.
Avic Aircraft surged by the daily limit of ten percent.
While shares of Kweichow Moutai climbed 7.2 percent.
CRRC Corporation, the combined company formed after the merger of China North Railway and China South Railway, rose 6.7 percent.
The rally narrowed previous losses since its first trading day at the Shanghai bourse to 27 percent.
At close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index rose 2.2 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index climed 2 percent.
Hong Kong stocks ended higher on the day with the benchmark Hang Seng index rising about 0.9 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japanese stocks ended at a 15-year high as hopes for Greek debt deal boosted market sentiment.
The benchmark Nikkei added 1.9 percent.
Gainers were led by air transport, metal products and other products.
South Korea's Kospi increased 1.3 percent.
Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index edged up 0.7 percent.
Finally, Australia's ASX 200 closed 1.3 percent higher.
Back to you Spencer.
Bank of China Joins Gold Price Setting Auction in LondonThe Bank of China (BoC) has made its first bid in the electronic auction process for setting the gold price benchmark at the Intercontinental Exchange's London Office.
The bank was approved last Tuesday as the first Chinese and first Asian bank to participate directly in the London Bullion Market Association gold price auction.
Li Huibo, a senior trader from the Global Marketing Department of the Bank of China, says the bank can help Chinese customers express their needs on the international gold market.
"Chinese customers have been following the international gold price for a long time, and when a Chinese bank became a participant in the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Gold Price, these customers expressed their needs in the international market through the Chinese bank participating in setting the gold price."The first operation of the BoC in the gold price benchmarking process was selling gold to customers.
The price was about 1,193 U.S. dollars an ounce after eight-rounds of price setting on Monday.
For more on this, we are now joined on the line by Benjamin Cavender, the Principal of China Market Research in Shanghai.
China's June flash HSBC manufacturing PMI reboundsA preliminary HSBC survey shows China's factories did better last month, though overall manufacturing activity still contracted slightly.
The HSBC flash manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) recovered to 49.6 in June from May's final reading of 49.2, beating the market forecast of 49.4.
A reading of below the 50-point level indicates contraction.
A breakdown of the data shows the sub-indices of output, new orders and quantity of purchases all improved in June.
The index of new orders rose above the 50-point mark for the first time in four months.
However, the sub-index of employment shows manufacturers continued to cut their staff, with the latest reduction the sharpest in over six years.
Analysts say this indicates companies have relatively muted growth expectations as demand conditions both at home and abroad remain subdued.
China's maritime economy outpaces GDP growthA report by the State Oceanic Administration shows China's maritime output has grown at a faster pace than the country's GDP in the past five years.
The average annual growth rate of maritime output exceeded that of GDP by 0.22 percentage points from 2011 to 2015.
The growth is supported by the boom of emerging maritime industries such as manufacturing of maritime engineering equipment.
China took more new manufacturing orders for such equipment last year than any other country, with the orders valued at nearly 14 billion U.S. dollars.
The country's global share of the maritime engineering equipment market rose from 24 percent in 2013 to 41 percent last year.
Last year, China's maritime economy generated nearly 6 trillion yuan or about 962 billion U.S. dollars. a 7.7-percent increase over 2013.
Its total output accounted for 9.4 percent of last year's GDP.
Allianz and PICC offer hotel cancellation insuranceAllianz Global Assistance and China's largest non-life insurer PICC have teamed up to offer hotel cancellation insurance products.
Travelers booking their hotels on will be able to claim their deposit back in case of cancellation if they purchase the insurance policy as they make the booking.
Currently, the insurance premium is 5 percent of the deposit for domestic hotels and 4 percent for overseas hotels.
The two companies are planning to extend the products to more online booking platforms.
They will also use accumulated data to adjust prices and offer differentiated pricing for customers.
Hyundai Motor launches fifth factory in ChinaSouth Korean auto maker Hyundai's fifth plant in China has started construction in the southwestern city of Chongqing.
It is Hyundai's first plant in west China and is expected to be operational in early 2017.
With a total investment of 1.3 billion U.S. dollars, the plant has a production capacity of 300-thousand vehicles and 300-thousand engines per year.
Hyundai's other plants are in Beijing and Cangzhou in north China's Hebei Province.
The five plants combined will have an annual production capacity of over 1.6 million vehicles.
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Sold for $353mMartha Stewart's home and lifestyle company Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia has been sold to New York-based clothes brand management firm, Sequential Brands.
The sale is worth 353 million U.S. dollars in a cash-and-stock deal.
Martha Stewart, who founded the company in 1997, will become a key shareholder in Sequential and serve as its chief creative officer.
The company's fortune has suffered over the past few years due to falling sales in its publishing business.
It has forced the company to cut back on print magazine issues, and convert some titles to digital editions.
The company's image also suffered after Stewart was briefly imprisoned following her conviction in 2004 in an insider trading case.
SportsUSA Beat Colombia 2-0 to Reach WWC Quarter-finalsIn football action from Women's World Cup in Canada,Two-time former champions USA reached the quarter-finals after beating 10-player Colombia 2-0 on Monday.
Alex Morgan and Carli Lloyd scored second-half goals for USA to secure the victory.
Head coach of the United States Jill Ellis was happy with the way her team played.
"This is the World Cup, I am really satisfied with advancing. Most of goals in World Cup tournaments, the majority come on set pieces. We've been brilliant, so it's about finding a way. I thought we stroked the ball around pretty well at times. So yeah, I'm pleased with where we are."They will now head to Ottawa to face China on Friday in a repeat of the 1999 final.
Rapinoe and Lauren Holiday will miss the game for two yellows cards on aggregate.
Earlier in the day,England stunned Norway with a 2-1 comeback win in another match of the Round of 16.
England goalkeeper Karen Bardsley has this to say on her team's fight back.
"I couldn't be prouder of our team today. I think we showed an amazing amount of character today and, like you said, we were very resolute in our belief in ourselves and our preparations. So the fact that we had a decision to make in terms of what sort of reaction we would have (to conceding the goal) and I'm very very proud that we made a positive one."This is the first time they have won a knock-out match at the event in history.
They will play hosts Canada on Sunday.
Tomorrow,The Netherlands will be on the pitch against Japan for a place in the last 8.
The game takes place at 10 a.m., Beijing time.
A win would seal the team's berth in Rio Olympic Games.
Germany and France have already did it after progressing to the quarterfinals.
Chinese Super League PreviewRound 15 of the Chinese Super League is to kick off on Wednesday,Six games are on the schedule,Third place Shandong Luneng will play Shijiazhuang.
Guangzhou R&F will play Henan Jianye.
And Changchun Yatai will play struggling Guizhou Renhe.
On Thursday,League leaders Guangzhou Evergrande will play Beijing Guo'an.
It will be the 200th game that Hao Lin has played for Guangzhou Evergrande.
The 29-year-old is one of the only two Chinese players among the top 10 league goal scorers this season.
He netted 8 goals in 14 matches.
Brazil's red-carded Neymar exits Copa AmericaIn off-pitch football news,Brazilian national team captain Neymar left the lineup in Santiago on Monday to fly back to Sao Paulo after being suspended for four matches.
The decision came after Brazil decided not to contest the penalties imposed for Neymar's unsportsmanlike behavior on the field during the team's 1-0 loss to Colombia.
Neymar left with a prize for best player in the team's debut against Peru, in which he scored one goal and assisted in the other.
Brazil qualified for the quarterfinals of the Copa and stays on to train for Saturday's match against Paraguay.
Tennis: Nottingham Open RecapIn tennis action from the Nottingham Open,Aljaz Bedene reached the second round at the tournament with a 6-1, 5-7, 6-2 win over Diego Schwartzman from Argentina.
This marks Bedene's first ATP World Tour tournament in Great Britain since becoming a British citizen in March.
Next off for the 25-year-old Slovenian-born Brit will be eighth seed Adrian Mannarino.
In other action,Simone Bolelli of Italy beat Go Soeda from Japan 6-3, 6-2.
Dudi Sela beat Spaniard Daniel Gimeno-Traver 7-5, 6-4.
And it was Santiago Giraldo beating Andreas Haider-Maurer 6-1, 1-6, 6-1.
Over to women's action,American Irina Falconi advanced at the Eastbourne Open, winning Alexandra Dulgheru of Romania in straight sets 6-1, 6-1.
Also through to the second round are Heather Watson, Camila Giorgi and Barbora Strycova.
In other tennis news,Australian tennis player Nick Kyrgios has split with coach Todd Larkham in a year just days before Wimbledon.
Larkham worked with Kyrgios for seven years during his junior years.
He rejoined Kyrgios' team after he parted ways with former coach Simon Rea last year.
Kyrgios withdrew from a tournament in Stuttgart earlier this month due to the elbow and pulled out of the Nottingham warmup for Wimbledon citing illness.
The 20-year-old says he will work with Tennis Australia coaches through Wimbledon and will hire a new coach after the tournament.
Wimbledon starts on Monday.
Alvin Gentry Unveiled as New Coach of New Orleans PelicansIn off-court NBA news,Alvin Gentry was unveiled as the New Orleans Pelicans' head coach at an introductory news conference on Monday.
The 60-year-old offered these thoughts on his new job.
"I saw the fans and the way they reacted and the enthusiasm and the loudness of the crowd. And what our goal is, is to have that every single night. As far as this job and this basketball team, I'm really excited about it. We've got the best player (Anthony Davis) in the NBA not named LeBron James."It had been just a few earlier when Gentry ended a spell coaching in the NBA finals, being an assistant with the champion Golden State Warriors.
Gentry was officially announced as the sixth head coach in New Orleans on 30th May.
He has coached four other franchises-Miami, Detroit, the LA Clippers and Phoenix.
He is 335-370 in his previous stints as a head coach and is 12-9 in the post-season.
EntertainmentOscar-Winning Titanic Composer James Horner Dead In Plane CrashJames Horner, the award-winning composer behind some of Hollywood's biggest films, died in a plane crash outside Santa Barbara on Monday, according to multiple reports.
He was 61.
Horner composed the music for more than 100 films, including "Titanic," "Avatar," "Field of Dreams," "Apollo 13," "Braveheart," "A Beautiful Mind" and two "Star Trek" movies.
His work on "Titanic" earned him two Academy Awards, one for the film's score and one for its iconic theme song, "My Heart Will Go On," which was performed by Celine Dion and turned into a global hit.
Celine Dion also paid tribute to Horner's death.
She wrote that she felt deeply saddened by the tragic death of James Horner and James played an important role in her career.
TV's 'Smash' musical may be made into a real stage showThe Broadway musical featured in the TV show "Smash" might actually find its way to a stage.
Universal Stage Productions says it plans to develop "Bombshell," a musical about the life of Marilyn Monroe, into a live show.
No casting was announced, and a book writer will be announced shortly.
The original songs on the TV show by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman will continue on the stage adaptation, as will original choreographer Joshua Bergasse.
"Smash" was a production of Universal Television.
The series on NBC lasted two seasons and starred Megan Hilty, Jeremy Jordan, Katharine McPhee, Christian Borle and Debra Messing.
Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, who produced "Smash," will lead the producing team of "Bombshell" and Steven Spielberg, the executive producer of the TV show, will also be involved in the stage version.
Music mogul Diddy out on bail after arrest at UCLAHip-hop music mogul P. Diddy has been released on bail from a Los Angeles County jail.
Diddy was accused of assaulting someone at UCLA, where his son plays football.
Jail records show Diddy - whose real name is Sean Combs - was released after posting 160,000 US Dollars bail, several hours after his afternoon arrest.
UCLA police say Combs was arrested after an assault at the athletic facilities with a weight-room kettlebell.
They did not identify a victim or say any more about the circumstances.
Combs son Justin Combs is a defensive back on the Bruin football team, which was conducting workouts on campus.
Final part of the film "The Crossing" to be released in JulyThe second part of the film series "The Crossing" is set to hit the theatres on the Chinese mainland on Junly 30.
The 3D epic drama film stars Zhang Ziyi, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Song Hye-kyo, Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei and Masami Nagasawa.
The film is based on the sinking of the steamer "Taiping" in 1949.
The incident led to the deaths of over 1,500 passengers and crew.
The film's first part was released in China on December 2, 2014.
Veteran character actor Paul Rudd finally gets top billing in an action blockbusterOn screen, Paul Rudd has been the best friend, the romantic interest, the sidekick -- just about everything except the big-budget action star.
With Marvel's "Ant-Man," now Rudd can tick that one off his bucket list.
He offered these thoughts on getting the part.
"You know, I don't really think in terms of specifics. I certainly hoped that, at this point in my life, in my career, that I would be a working actor, and working on things that I care about, that I like, and that has happened. And, for that, I am endlessly grateful."Based on the Marvel Comics character, the film casts Rudd as Scott Lang, a thief trying to make good who is turned into a superhero with the help of suit that makes him micro-sized, but considerably stronger.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
China unveiling a plan for a parade to mark victory in the Chinese People's War Of Resistance against Japanese Aggression...
A top Chinese official calling for increased cultural exchanges between China and the United States...
And Samsung apologizing for the MERS outbreak at its affiliated hospital in Seoul...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, I'm Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...