新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/07/13(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Monday July 13th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Greece reaching a deal with its European creditors which may avoid a Grexit...
Chinese authorities confirming that the illegal Uyger migrants repatriated from Thailand were trying to join jihad...
And an Iranian nuclear deal said to be imminent as negotiators send positive signals from Vienna...
In Business.... A good day for Chinese stocks as the bourses rebound...
In Sports.... Novak Djokovic walking away victorious yet again from the grass at Wimbledon...
And in Entertainment...the China International Comics and Games Expo wrapping up in Shanghai...
TopGunmen hold 10 hostages in west ParisAt least 10 people are held hostage by gunmen in a shopping center near Paris.
Special police units are now surrounding the Primark shop in the town of Villeneuve-la-Garenne.
Police say at least two gunmen entered the store on Monday morning local time for an attempted armed robbery.
An employee sent a text message to her friend saying that they were held hostage by gunmen.
Nearly 20 people have been evacuated from the scene after the attack.
The shop is currently closed, and traffic in the area is said to be under control.
The hostage comes a day before France celebrates Bastille Day.
Paris remains on high alert for terrorist activities.
Reactions of Eurozone Leaders after Reaching Greece DealAnchor:
Greece has reached a deal with its European creditors which may avoid its exit from the Eurozone.
The deal calls for Greece to enact further austerity measures in exchange for more loans.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
Eurozone summit chair Donald Tusk says leaders have unanimously agreed on a bailout deal for Greece.
Tusk says the European bailout program for Greece includes serious reforms on the part of Greece in return for financial support.
"Leaders have agreed in principle that they are ready to start negotiations on a European Stability Mechanism programme, which in other words means continued support for Greece."Officials including European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker say the deal means that Greece will not have to leave the euro currency.
French President Francois Hollande says that to allow Greece to exit from the 19-nation eurozone would have been to lose a country that is "at the very heart of our civilisation.""At some point we thought the eurozone could split from one country, Greece. This question was raised for months, even years. To deprive ourselves of Greece, is not only to deprive ourselves of a country with its GDP and its people, but it is also to deprive ourselves of a country that is at the very heart of our civilisation."Meanwhile, Managing Director of IMF Christine Lagarde says it is a step towards rebuilding confidence.
"So it's been a laborious night but I think it's a good step to rebuild confidence and there will be many more steps I'm sure that will only be demonstrated by the implementation of what has been agreed now. "German Chancellor Angela Merkel says that she backed the result of the negotiations with "full conviction".
"I can fully recommend the acceptance of these negotiations with full conviction, because I believe we have here found ways (forward), in which the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages."At the same time, Merkel also says that trust with Greece now "needs to be rebuilt".
The agreement comes after months of negotiations and a summit that stretched from Sunday afternoon well into Monday morning.
The deal includes commitments from Greece to push a drastic austerity program including pension, market and privatization reforms.
In return, the 18 other eurozone leaders have committed to start talks on a new bailout program that should avoid the possible collapse of the Greek financial system.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
China says illegal Uygur immigrants on way to JihadAnchor:
Some overseas experts and scholars say Thailand's recent repatriation of over 100 illegal immigrants to China conforms with international practice.
China's state television says some of those deported had admitted to being incited by messages from the so-called "Eastern Turkestan Islamic Movement" and the so-called "World Uyghur Congress."China has expressed its objections to criticism over its handling of the expulsions.
For more on this, CRI's Tu Yun earlier spoke to Guo Jing, Associate Professor, College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University.
…Back anchor: Guo Jing, Associate Professor, College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University, speaking with CRI's Tu Yun.
China to introduce soil pollution law this yearAnchor:
A Soil Pollution Control Act has been added to the Chinese government's legislative plan.
As CRI's Zhao Jianfu reports, China is expected to announce Policies of Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment for Soil Pollution later this year.
According to a survey of national soil pollution conducted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the overall situation for soil quality appears to be dire. Quality of arable land is a particularly worrying area. Industrial and mining waste land is a problem as well, with an alarming 16% of land exceeding limits for pollutants.
This situation has worried Chinese authorities. On 11 July, Vice minister of Agriculture, Zhang Taolin, expressed his concern over the pressure that contaminated soil has brought to agriculture production.
"Our soil is running at an overloaded capacity. With 8% farmland in the world, China is producing 21% of food, 52% of vegetables, 22% of fruit, feeding 19% of world population. The overall quality of the soil is not high as well, with two thirds middle and low yield land. Plus, soil recession, regional soil pollution and soil health problems are the main issues."Statistics show that the area of medium and heavy polluted arable land is estimated 333,000 square kilometers, with a 30% soil erosion rate and 40% soil acidification rate.
The Ministry of Environment has thus sped up the legislative process for the Policies of Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment for Soil Pollution, known as "Tushitiao." It is expected that the law will be announced this year or early next year.
Li Ganjie, Vice Minister of Environment, says that a risk control section will be added to the soil protection provision of the coming law.
Note that risk control has not been included into the Prevention and Control of Atmosphere Pollution and the Water Act. In the aspect of soil pollution risk control, a contaminated soil regulation system and agricultural constructional land risk assessment system are stipulated. In terms of the recovery of the contaminated soil, the liability, procedures and requirements are stipulated. This is very important, and it is where we should focus our efforts."Li also said China will take 5 years to battle against the deterioration of contaminated soil.
Two of the means to do this are technology and funds. Some entrepreneurs have expressed their interest after learning that the Chinese government is opening up its soil pollution prevention efforts to public capital investments.
It is estimated that a 570 billion Yuan investment will be generated by "Tushitiao".
For CRI, im Zhao Jianfu.
Police Arrests Suspected Paid Protest OrganizersAnchor:
Chinese police have published details on a series of incidents in which the detainees are suspected of illegally organizing paid protests, hyping public sentiment and fabricating rumors on the Internet to sway court decisions.
CRI's Qi Zhi reports.
According to a statement published by the Ministry of Public Security, the detainees include lawyers as the core organizers, and social media celebrities and petitioners who are in charge of planning and implementation.
The group of suspects was led by the Beijing-based Fengrui Law Firm.
Zhai Yanmin, a major organizer of the group, exposes the methods of the lawyers at the heart of the allegations.
"They yelled in court so as to put pressure onto judges. Once they were removed from the courtroom, they would meet with petitioners onsite, who carried signs and shouted slogans to keep pressuring judges and sway court decisions. "The police statement says the organizers have disrupted public order and sought profits by hiring protesters and swaying court decisions in the name of "defending justice and public interests."Petitioners took part in these incidents because they not only received payment but also received more attention for their own court cases from government officials.
A suspect surnamed Ning is one of them.
"They told us that we can arouse attention by participating in those protests. If we were present (at sites of controversial incidents), the local government would be informed, which will help us solve problems of our own as higher-ranked officials would urge local government (to handle our complaints). "The group is accused of organizing more than 40 controversial incidents since July 2012.
One of the recent high-profile cases was related to the shooting incident in Qingan County in northeast China.
A man named Xu Chunhe was shot dead in May at a local railway station after attacking a police officer several times despite the officer's multiple warnings.
Lawyers from Fengrui Law Firm then spread rumors that the police officer was directed to open fire because Xu was a petitioner.
The firm further spread online rumors that the incident was a murder conspiracy and organized several protests.
Zhou Shifeng, director of Fengrui Law Firm, has been arrested, along with Wu Gan and Zhai Yanmin.
Further investigation of the case is underway.
For CRI, I am qizhi.
Beijing gears up for the final bid of 2022 Winter Olympic GamesAnchor:
Beijing is gearing up to win the final bid to host the 2022 winter Olympic Games in competition with Kazakhstan's Almaty, as the result will be revealed by the end of July.
An assessment report released in June by the International Olympic Committee shows Beijing has exceptional strong points to run the Games, especially in terms of transportation, accommodation and medical services.
CRI's Guo Yan has the details.
According to the IOC assessment report, a lack of direct flights to international metro areas is one of the weaknesses of Almaty while Beijing boasts convenient inter-city transportation.
A newly built international airport in Beijing and Ningyuan airport in Zhangjiakou city will be put into use in 2019, which offers more transport choices.
The report points out that inter-city transport between the three venues is quick and efficient.
Guo Jifu, director of Beijing's traffic development research centre says the upcoming high-speed rail project between Beijing and Zhangjiakou will help to shorten travel time between venues.
"The travel time for athletes from their accommodation to the three competition venues is quite short with the farthest venue within 15 miniutes travel. Besides, the bullet trains to be put into operation will hugely cut travel time."As to the accommodation concerns, the report shows Beijing has abundant hotels and rooms for athletes while Almaty can hardly meets event the basic demand for hosting the Games with poor resources for accommodation.
Zhang Jiandong, deputy executive director of the Winter Olympic bidding committee says Beijing has plenty of star hotels to meet the needs of the Games.
"At present, the three competition venues in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou have 576 star hotels so far with over 116 thousand rooms. The number of star hotels in the three venues will exceed 600 with more than 130 thousand rooms , which will completely meet the demand of hosting the winter Olympic Games."To deal with challenges of medical service and rescue operations in mountainous areas, Beijing's health authority pledged to send medical teams to Yanqing county and Zhangjiakou and set up effective mechanism improve the service.
Mao Yu is the deputy director of Beijing municipal commission of health and family planning.
"Despite the ground rescue system, considering the special condition of winter sports on snow, we are prepared to send medical teams equipped with helicopters specially for rescue work. It took about 40 to 50 minutes for the helicopters fly to the rescue scenes. If Beijing could win the bid, we'll send medical teams consists of experts and make scientific plans to set up rescue stations in order to provide timely and high-quality first-aid."Also, Beijing has enlisted significantly high public support for the 2022 bid.
According to an opinion poll conducted by the IOC, over 90 percent of Chinese residents support the bid.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
China Plans to Develop High-tech Industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regionAnchor:
As the Chinese capital is vowing to focus more on its role as the country's center of politics and culture and speeding up integration with neighboring Tianjin and Hebei, many local firms are trying to seek new opportunities outside the city.
CRI's Yu Yang reports.
Many Beijing-based hi-tech companies specializing in energy efficiency and environmental protection have set up their manufacturing plants in Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province.
They are said to be eyeing sufficient bio-fuels and low-cost transportation at the new locations.
Yang Aoshuang, director of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.
"The development demand of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is the greatest innovative impetus for Beijing in terms of regional coordinated innovation."The regional coordinated innovation system uses Beijing as the "brain" to look for resources and markets and seek cooperation partners in Tianjin and Hebei to feed back the market demand to the so-called "brain".
Zhang Boxu, director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, says it is important to bring innovative resources in the region into full play.
"The region should make full use of Beijing's scientific and technical advantages which can bring the overall transformation and upgrading of enterprises in the region."Meanwhile, the regions that will accommodate the industries moved out of Beijing, are expecting more job opportunities to be created.
Shang Liguang, party chief of Cangzhou in Hebei, admits this can meet his city's interest.
"I think the factory construction project IV for Beijing Hyundai could bring thousands of jobs. As the factory itself has more than 2,000 jobs plus its upstream and downstream enterprises. Now more than 100 enterprises are in negotiations."The relocation of industries that are not related to "capital functions" is part of Beijing's new development strategy.
The strategy mainly aims to address the city's "urban diseases" like traffic congestion and air pollution.
It also includes a cap on its population growth and the construction of a "subsidiary administrative center" in southeastern Tongzhou district that is set to take shape by 2017.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
China's FM Wang Arrives for TalksChinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has arrived in Vienna for the final stage of the Iran nuclear talks.
Wang says negotiators are trying to reach a positive outcome.
"With intensive consultations in the past couple of days, new progress has been made in the final stage of negotiations. China believes that no agreement could be perfect and conditions are already in place for us to reach a good agreement, hence foreign ministers of the six countries are gathered once again in Vienna to bring the negotiation to a conclusion. We believe that there cannot and should not be further delays in the negotiations."The current round of nuclear talks is now entering its 17th day.
Talks have been extended three times since the first deadline of June 30 was missed.
It's being reported that negotiators plan to announce an historic deal on Monday.
Western powers seek to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
In exchange, they are expected to lift the economic sanctions imposed on Iran in recent years.
Tourism Expected to Help China's Poverty ReliefAnchor:
China is expecting tourism to play a bigger role in its anti-poverty efforts in rural areas during the 13th Five-year Plan period.
As CRI's Tu Yun reports, around 12 million people are likely to benefit.
The National Tourism Administration and the poverty alleviation office under the country's cabinet have announced a joint plan for further development of countryside tourism between 2015 and 2020.
The plan is expected to help lift about 12 million people out of poverty during the period.
That roughly accounts for 17 percent of over 70 million Chinese citizens who are still living under poverty threshold.
Wu Wenxue, deputy head of the national tourism watchdog, admits the growing role of tourism in the country's poverty reduction effort.
He says the developing industry can provide many opportunities for rural people.
"The development of tourism can benefit rural people in multiple ways. Villagers can operate businesses like restaurant or hotel. They can have more job opportunities in the benefited industries. They can profit from selling agricultural products as advanced tourism can often result in a price hike."Wu adds that villagers can also make money by joining local tourism cooperatives or renting their lands for related projects.
Statistics show that more than two million rural households have engaged in tourism-related business. They served about 1.2 billion tourists last year.
Between 2010 and 2014, more than 10 million rural people got rid of poverty thanks to the development of the sector.
Wu Wenxue says the market still has great potential. He pledges more measures will be in place for its further development.
"We will issue guidelines for a sound development of countryside tourism and join forces with relevant departments to improve local environmental conditions and public services to pave way for more efforts."Hong Tianyun with the State Council's poverty relief office vows his department will help coordinate efforts for the move.
"We will assist with pilot programs and provide more supports in this regard, directing local governments' poverty-relief funds to the sector and encouraging private capitals to tap into the market."China plans to involve 150,000 villages nationwide in the move and make them capable of receiving two billion tourists a year by 2020 with revenues exceeding 1 trillion yuan.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Scorching Heat Continues in HebeiMany places across north China's Hebei Province continued to be affected by scorching heat on Monday.
A local resident says she can hardly put up with the high temperatures.
"I'm wet with sweat as long as I move around. The temperature will be high for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, so I decide to stay at home with the kid rather than going out."The temperature in four of Hebei's eleven cities rose to 40 degrees Celsius on Monday.
The heat wave began on Sunday and a red alert for high temperatures has been issued for the afternoon.
Other places in China are also suffering from hot weather as the country is entering the height of summer.
WeatherBeijing is overcast tonight, some scattered thundershowers with a low of 25 degrees Celsius; tomorrow thundershowers with a high of 36.
Shanghai, cloudy tonight with a low of 25, tomorrow cloudy with a high of 34.
Chongqing, thundershowers tonight with a low of 26, heavy rain tomorrow with a high of 30.
Lhasa has moderate rain tonight with a low of 12, tomorrow light rain with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow, 37.
Kabul, cloudy, 36.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, sunny with a high of 14.
Brisbane, sunny with a high of 20.
Perth, cloudy, 19.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have light rain with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsGunmen hold hostages in west ParisNearly 10 people are held hostage by gunmen in a shopping center in Paris.
Police said at least two gunmen entered the Primark shop on Monday morning local time for an attempted armed robbery.
An employee sent a text message to her friend saying that they were held hostage by gunmen.
Up to 20 others were evacuated from the scene.
Police are investigating the case.
The shopping center is currently closed.
The traffic in the area is said to be under control.
Eurozone summit reaches bailout agreement on GreeceThe Eurozone leaders have reached a bailout agreement with Greece on Monday after 17 hours of discussions.
The European Council President Donald Tusk says Greece can avoid bankruptcy and an exit from the eurozone.
The European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has also confirmed that the Greek proposals for support have been accepted.
But the agreement still needs the approval of several national parliaments, including the Greek parliament.
Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem has suggested that the Greek parliament must immediately start passing legislation to implement the measures agreed upon in Brussels.
Negotiators reach the final stage of the Iran nuclear talksNegotiators have reached the final stage of the Iran nuclear talks.
The deal, capping nearly a decade of diplomacy, would curb Iran's atomic program in return for sanctions relief.
With the temporary deal set to expire at midnight on Monday, negotiators are planning to complete and announce a final agreement before day's end.
The current round of nuclear talks has been extended three times since the first deadline of June 30th was missed.
Building-collapse in Russian airborne training center kills 23More than 20 people have been killed in a collapsed building in Russia, with another 22 listed as injured.
The incident occurred on Monday in an airborne training center in the Russian Siberian city of Omsk.
All 42 servicemen have been removed from the collapsed building.
Over 20 are dead and the rest of people are receiving medical treatment.
An investigation is still underway with violations during repair work suspected to be the probable cause of the accident.
China demands Japan accelerate destruction of abandoned chemical weaponsChina is urging Japan to accelerate the destruction of chemical weapons abandoned in China during WWII.
Japan abandoned at least two million tons of chemical weapons at about 40 sites across China at the end of the war.
More than 260 chemical weapons have been destroyed in Wuhan, Hubei Province since last December.
China is also urging Japan to increase its human and financial contribution to the destruction of weapons at an early date.
China's Beidou navigation system to track flightsChina is ready to use its Beidou satellite navigation system to track civil flights.
The move aims to avoid disasters like the Malaysian flight MH-370.
The Beidou system is set tested on general aviation before it is used to monitor passenger or cargo flights.
The system is able to trace aircraft in addition to providing aid for search and rescue operations.
Biz ReportsAnchor:
Turning now to business news,First a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Monday evening.
Joining me on the desk is CRI's Luo Bin.
Thank you Spencer.
Chinese stocks rose for a third consecutive trading day, following dramatic moves by the government to stabilize the market.
The Shanghai index climbed above the 4-thousand-point psychological mark during the afternoon session.
Some 900 shares jumped by their 10-percent daily limit.
Announcements of stock price stabilization plan came amid resumption of trading by a record number of more than 360 companies.
The companies withdrew their trading suspension after the Shanghai gauge jumped a combined of 10.6 percent in the past two days.
More than one thousand firms, or 40 percent of the country's listed firms, continued to suspend trading of their shares on Monday.
At close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index jumped 2.4 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index surged 4.8 percent.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark Hang Seng Index finished 1.3 percent higher.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japanese stocks rallied as the yen's weakness against the U.S. dollar and hopes for a resolution in Greece's debt negotiations boosted market sentiment.
The benchmark Nikkei closed above the 20-thousand line for the first time in one week and finished 1.6 percent higher.
South Korea's Kospi climbed 1.5 percent.
Singapore stocks finished higher on the day, with the benchmark Straits Times Index edged up nearly one percent.
Finally, Australia's market struggled for direction amid an elusive resolution of the Greek debt negations, finishing slightly weaker in a day of volatile trade.
The benchmark ASX 200 slipped 0.3 percent.
Back to you Spencer.
China to bust illicit securities tradingAnchor:
China's securities regulator has said that it will standardize securities accounts after finding some agencies and individuals set up virtual accounts or traded with borrowed accounts.
The regulator also urged local authorities to verify the authenticity of securities accounts and be more strict when supervising them.
The move is believed to target illicit financing.
The securities regulator also urged brokers to standardize external access to information systems.
Meanwhile, the Public Security Ministry is said to have found clues that certain trading firms have allegedly manipulated futures trading in the stock market.
The investigation, which started on last Thursday, is being led by Vice Minister of Public Security Meng Qingfeng.
For more on the recent crackdown on illegal trading, CRI's Shane Bigham earlier spoke with Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
…Back Anchor:
That was Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London, speaking with CRI's Shane Bigham.
China's Foreign Trade Continues Drop in H1Official data shows China's foreign trade posted lackluster performance in the first half of the year.
Total foreign trade dropped 6.9 percent year on year to about 11.5 trillion yuan or nearly 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars in the first six months of this year.
The decline widened from a 6-percent drop registered in the first quarter.
Exports rose slightly by 0.9 percent from a year ago to some 6.5 trillion yuan.
This while imports slumped by 15.5 percent to nearly 5 trillion yuan.
Trade surplus expanded 1.5 times to reach some 1.6 billion yuan in the first half of this year.
Huang Songping, spokesperson of the General Administration of Customs, says that sluggish foreign demand is the major factor affecting trade growth.
"The trade volume has dropped, but the quality and efficiency of foreign trade development have been improved. The overall performance has picked up in stabilization and the development has entered a new normal."Foreign trade data in June offers some encouraging signs.
Last month, imports fell for the eighth consecutive month, dropping 6.7 percent.
But exports increased 2.1 percent, snapping a run of three monthly declines in a row.
Meanwhile, trade with emerging markets appeared robust while the demand from developed economies shrank.
China's exports to the Southeast Asian countries, India and Africa grew by 9.5 percent, 10.7 percent and 12.9 percent respectively.
China to release guideline on internet finance: PBoC officialChina's central bank is set to release a guideline for the country's internet finance sector.
The guideline has already been reviewed and approved by the State Council.
It will encourage innovation in internet finance and lay out measures to ward off potential risks.
It will also ensure fair competition and protect legitimate rights of investors.
Internet finance refers to loans, investments and other financial services provided through online channels rather than through banks and other financial institutions.
Over the past couple of years, the internet has increasingly become a new channel to connect investors with lenders that have been under-served by Chinese banks.
It has also become a popular sales channel for a wide range of wealth management products, from money market funds to borrowing money, to investing in the stock market.
China developing new generation supercomputerChinese tech company Dawning Information Industries has started developing a new generation supercomputer.
The dawning 7000 is capable of over one hundred sextillion computing operations per second.
It is designed to better meet market demands for high-speed communication networks, large-scale storage and application software.
But the company has denied previous reports that the new supercomputer has entered the phases of trial production and assembling, and would meet the public in two years.
Dawning is also the developer of Nebulae or Dawning 6000, which ranked the second in the TOP 500 list of the world's most powerful supercomputers in 2010.
Three Sichuan-based Listed Companies to Establish Private Bank with XiaomiSichuan Hebang Corporation has announced plans to establish a private bank with Xiaomi and two other Sichuan-based companies.
The initial registered capital of the private bank is expected to reach 3 billion yuan.
Sichuan Hebang is planning to invest up to 15 million yuan in the new bank for a no more than 5 percent stake.
The company says the move to set up the private bank is still at an early stage.
Major shareholder inject RMB10bln to add share positions in Industrial BankChina's Industrial Bank's two major shareholders have added their share positions in the bank via secondary market purchases.
Peoples Insurance Company of China added 281 million A-shares, which represent about 1.9 percent of the company's total share capital.
The company now holds about 6.4 percent of Industrial Bank' total share capital.
Meanwhile, PICC Life Insurance Company added 328 million A-shares or about 1.7 percent of the Industrial Bank's total share capital.
The company now holds 6.7 percent of the bank's total share capital.
SportsDjokovic Defeats Federer to Win 2015 Wimbledon TitleAnchor:
In the most anticipated match of all at Wimbledon, top seed Novak Djokovic defeated seven time Champion Roger Federer in four sets to win his third Wimbledon title and ninth Grand Slam title.
CRI's London Correspondent Duan Xuelian reports.
It's a match between the world's top two players and people's expectations are high.
Their four-set match lasted nearly 3 hours and was interrupted briefly by a rain shower. The first set stretched into a 13th game with Djokovic miraculously saving a number of set points. But Federer was able to fight back in the second set, winning the tie breaker by 12 to 10. The third set saw an aggressive Djokovic coming back from a short break and take the last two sets of games 6-4 and 6-3.
So, it's Novak Djokovic again!
Amid the excitement, the Serb repeated his traditional celebration for winning the tournament - eating the Wimbledon grass.
"It tastes very very good this year. I don't know what the grounds people have done but they have done a great job. It's a little tradition obviously. As a kid I was really dreaming of winning Wimbledon, as a child you dream to do something crazy whey you actually achieve it and that's was one of the things. "The Serb's victory shattered Federer's dream of reliving history. Twelve years ago, it was on Centre Court at Wimbledon that he won the first Grand Slam of his career. And it has been three years since he last held the Wimbledon trophy.
"That's sports, that why we come to watch it just because you don't know the outcome. Of course I had my chance in the first set bringing up a break, second set I'm lucky to win that and had some chances early in the third but that's how it goes, he was tough on the bigger points and in the end he was rock solid. I thought he played great, I didn't play bad myself so I can be very happy as well."For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian at Wimbledon.
Hingis and Paes stroll to 6-1, 6-1 mixed doubles title against Peya and BabosStill at Wimbledon, but some late action from the mixed doubles,Martina Hingis and Leander Paes sailed to a 6-1, 6-1 straight-sets victory against Timea Babos and Alexander Peya in the final.
And it took just 40 minutes with the roof closed above.
Even as a 42-year-old, Paes showed that he'd lost none of his touch.
Hingis missed the first match point but Paes' cheeky return on Babos' serve secured the trophy.
Hingis was also victorious in the women's doubles on Saturday - her first Wimbledon title since 1998.
China beats Japan 3-1 to claim FIVB World Grand Prix titleIn volleyball,China has claimed the 2015 World Grand Prix title with a 3-1 victory over Japan, a second win after they held off Russia in Ningbo.
Undefeated China and Brazil are the only remaining teams that have lasted to complete their matches in 3-0 and 3-1 scorelines.
In the meantime, the USA and the Netherlands survived tiebreakers on the third week of the event.
In other action,The Brazilians encountered an inspired German squad that pressured them in each set, but the former still showed its flair to secure each set and the match 3-0.
The Thais gave up one set to the Belgians 3-1 in Pool D.
USA survived hard-hitting Serbia 3-2 for their ninth consecutive win.
And it is Russia who took a 3-1 home-win over Turkey in Pool F.
In Group 2, the Netherlands overpowered Canada 3-0 to stay unbeaten in Pool L, while Poland outplayed hosts Argentina 3-0.
Czech Republic defeated Croatia 3-1, and Bulgaria stunned Puerto Rico in straight sets in Pool M.
Kenya pulled off a major 3-1 upset against Peru in the Group 3 final, while Colombia settled for third place after they stunned the hosts 3-0 in Canberra.
Orioles, Chen hit the break with a 3-2 loss to NationalsOver to some action from Major League Baseball,On the final day of play before the All-Star break, the Baltimore Orioles faced the Washington Nationals at Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Maryland.
Though Orioles got two home runs from Adam Jones and a sharp pitching performance from their star Chinese Pitcher Chen Wei-Yin, Sunday's battle ended up with a 3-2 victory for Washington.
Nationals' Max Scherzer allowed four hits, struck out seven and walked none to earn the win.
He outpitched Chen, who gave up three runs and eight hits in a career-high tying eight innings.
Chen says Scherzer is a great player.
"Yes, he's a great pitcher and he's a player that I respect a lot. And watching him pitch, I learn a lot from him and today his pitching was just great. He held us to only two runs. So I think he's a really great pitcher."The Orioles have lost 10 of the last 13.
The Nationals reached the All-Star break in first place in the National League East after taking two of three from their neighboring rivals.
---Some scores on the books:
Kansas City Royals beat Toronto Blue Jays 11-10,New York Yankees took a 8-6 victory over Boston Red Sox,Oakland Athletics blanked Cleveland Indians 2-0,And it was Colorado Rockies that crashed Atlanta Braves 11-3.
Spieth beats Gillis in play-off to win John Deere ClassicIn golf,Jordan Spieth beat Tom Gillis on the second hole of a play-off to win the John Deere Classic in Illinois on Sunday.
Spieth, who overcame a poor start to the day, says he is satisfied with his performance.
"But yeah, it's very satisfying to be able to have stretches where I played poorly and to still come out with a win, just those middle two rounds were just good enough to get the job done when I was only 3-under in the other two rounds combined, which is, would have missed the cut if I'd put them together so it's extremely satisfying, and that's golf, not everybody is going to play well the entire time, but it's good to know that when I am feeling that spark, that we're able to get it that deep, to 20-under."The victory was the world number two's fourth of the season and the 21-year-old moved within one victory of tying Tiger Woods for the most wins on the PGA Tour before age 22.
At Scottish Open,Rickie Fowler birdied three of his last four holes to overhaul fellow American Matt Kuchar and win the Scottish Open by one shot on Sunday for his second victory of the year.
It is the fourth title of Fowler's professional career, coming two months after winning The Players Championship.
EntertainmentChina International Comics and Games Expo Closes in ShanghaiThis year's China International Comics and Games Expo has concluded at the World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.
More than 300 exhibitors have participated in the expo, the largest in the event's history.
A mobile game based on the popular Japanese manga series "One Piece" was released at the expo.
Hiroshi Kitadani, the singer who performed "We are", the opening theme "One Piece" made an appearance.
A mobile card game adapted from China's fantasy-supernatural film "A Chinese Ghost Story" also made its debut at the expo.
Industry observers are calling for more originality in order to better develop the industry in China.
Last year, domestic animation films earned north of one billion yuan, almost twice as much as in 2013.
This summer, a total of 13 Chinese animated films will open in Chinese theatres, a 60-percent increase compared with the same period last year.
Hayao Miyazaki is making his first computer-animated shortRenowned anime director Hayao Miyazaki is currently working on a short film that will be made entirely of computer graphics.
It will be the first time for Miyazaki to produce a work solely with CG.
The revelation was made during a speech by Toshio Suzuki, the Studio Ghibli Inc. producer who has long worked with Miyazaki.
The 74-year-old Miyazaki had announced his retirement from full-length film creation two years ago.
The short piece will be based on "Kemushi no Boro", a full-length project that was planned before production began on "Princess Mononoke," which was released in 1997.
The short will be 10-minutes long, which is planned to take three years to complete.
'The Crossing: Part 2' set to release in JulyFollowing John Woo film The Crossing: Part 1's release in 2014, Part 2 is set to hit domestic screens on July 30.
The Crossing was adapted from the real historical tragedy of the steamer Taiping which sunk on its way from Shanghai to Taiwan while carrying thousands of people trying to escape war on the Chinese mainland.
The story set in the 1940s focuses on three couples from different classes whose lives have been completely changed by the war.
After depicting the background and characters in Part 1, Part 2 will focus on depicting the disaster and its impact on the characters.
The film gathers several A-list Asian stars like Zhang Ziyi, Huang Xiaoming, Takeshi Kaneshiro, and Song Hye-kyo.
Chinese singer Li Jian is to perform the theme song of the film, "If love is destined", which is reproduced from a Korean song of the same name.
The film is Johan Woo's first film project after his recovery from laryngeal cancer.
Nintendo Boss Iwata Satoru Dies At 55Iwata Satoru, the hugely popular president of Japanese games giant Nintendo, has died of cancer at the age of 55.
The company issued a notice reporting that Iwata died on Saturday as a result of a bile duct growth.
He joined Nintendo in the 1980s as a programmer. In 2000 he became a board director and became president in 2002.
In June 2013, Iwata-san was appointed CEO of Nintendo of America.
No successor has been put forward yet, but two Representative Directors remain at the company.
WeatherBeijing is overcast tonight, some scattered thundershowers with a low of 25 degrees Celsius; tomorrow thundershowers with a high of 36.
Shanghai, cloudy tonight with a low of 25, tomorrow cloudy with a high of 34.
Chongqing, thundershowers tonight with a low of 26, heavy rain tomorrow with a high of 30.
Lhasa has moderate rain tonight with a low of 12, tomorrow light rain with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow, 37.
Kabul, cloudy, 36.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, sunny with a high of 14.
Brisbane, sunny with a high of 20.
Perth, cloudy, 19.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have light rain with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Greece reaching a deal with its European creditors which may avoid a Grexit...
Chinese authorities confirming that the illegal Uyger migrants repatriated from Thailand were trying to join jihad...
And an Iranian nuclear deal said to be imminent as negotiators send positive signals from Vienna...
In Business.... A good day for Chinese stocks as the bourses rebound...