
   After hosting the Summer Olympics in 2008, Beijing was recently picked for the 2022 Winter Games, the first city to organize both events. The last games fueled a major construction boom and offered the Chinese capital a chance to build world-class hotels. Since then, the pace of construction has not slowed much and, despite the recent economic slowdown, more hotels are planned ahead of the Winter Games.

  There were 68 five-star hotels and a 130 four-star hotels in Beijing at the end of 2014, according to the Beijing Tourism Administration. While skiing competitions will take place in Zhangjiakou, about three hours away, new developments are likely to remain in the center of town.
  据北京市旅游发展委员会(Beijing Tourism Administration)的统计,截至2014年年底,北京有68家五星级酒店和130家四星级酒店。虽然滑雪赛事将在张家口举行,那里离北京有三小时车程,但新的酒店建设项目仍主要集中在北京市中心。
  Bobby Zur, the founder of Travel Artistry, a travel consultancy based in Franklin Lakes, N.J., and an authority on Beijing properties, said there is a huge premium for hotels built in the center of town. “The traffic is so horrendous in the city, and getting around isn’t easy, so the hotels define themselves by what district they are in and what they are close to,” he said.
  Travel Artistry是新泽西州富兰克林湖的一家旅游咨询公司。其创始人鲍比·祖尔(Bobby Zur)是熟悉北京地产的权威人士。他说,酒店建在市中心有个很大的优势。“北京的交通很糟糕,去哪儿都不容易,所以酒店都宣扬自己在哪个地区,离哪些地方近,”他说。
  Here’s a snapshot of some of the main luxury hotels and a preview of what is in the pipeline.
  Before the Summer Games
  The Peninsula, which opened in 1989, was one of the first upscale international hotels to come to Beijing. Long considered the gold standard in the city, the 525-room property, in the shopping district of Wangfujing, is undergoing an extensive renovation of its rooms and restaurants. The hotel remains open during the makeover, which is to be completed by next summer.
  1989年开业的半岛酒店(The Peninsula)是第一批进驻北京的高档国际酒店之一。它位于王府井购物区,有525间客房,长期以来被认为是该市酒店的金牌标准。这家酒店正在对客房和餐厅进行全面的重新装修,工程将于明年夏天完成。装修期间,酒店仍营业。
  A decade later came the St. Regis, which opened in 1999 in the center of the capital’s diplomatic and commercial district. The property is a short drive from major tourist landmarks such as the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. And just in time for the 2008 Summer Games, the Park Hyatt, with 246 rooms, opened in the Chaoyang District in the northeast part of town.
  十年之后,1999年,瑞吉酒店(St. Regis)进驻北京市外交和商务区的中心地段。它离故宫和天安门广场等主要旅游景点只有短暂的车程。北京柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt)正好赶在2008年奥运会开幕前开业,有246间客房,位于北京市东北部的朝阳区。
  More Recent Openings
  The building boom did not lose its momentum after the games. The Four Seasons Hotel opened in late 2012, a 313-room property in the central Chaoyang District. After that came the Rosewood, across the street from the iconic CCTV Tower that was designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhass in the city’s business district, also in Chaoyang. The hotel opened in 2014, and marked the Asia debut of the Los-Angeles based chain.
  2008年奥运会结束后,酒店建设的势头并没有减弱。2012年底开业的四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel )位于朝阳区的中心地带,有313间客房。2014年开业的瑰丽酒店(Rosewood)也在朝阳区,对面就是位于商务区的标志性建筑、由荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhass)设计的中央电视台新大楼,这是这家洛杉矶酒店连锁集团首次在亚洲开店。
  But the biggest splash belonged to a local brand, with the opening of Nuo Hotel Beijing, the first property of the namesake Chinese luxury hospitality chain. With 438 rooms, and located in the Chaoyang District, the hotel seeks to celebrate Chinese culture and its heritage. The hotel was developed with the help of the Geneva-based Kempinski Hotels and the Beijing Tourism Group.
  但是,反响最大的是一个当地品牌——北京诺金酒店(Nuo Hotel Beijing)。这是中国豪华酒店连锁集团诺金开设的第一家酒店。它位于朝阳区,有438间客房,着力彰显中国文化和遗产。这家酒店的开发得到了日内瓦的凯宾斯基酒店集团(Kempinski Hotels)和首旅集团(Beijing Tourism Group)的协助。
  The high-end hotel scene isn’t limited to big chains anymore. Boutique hotels are also becoming a trend in Beijing, said Austin Zhu, the manager of the Beijing office of the travel company Abercrombie and Kent. One example is the stylish Hotel Eclat Beijing which opened in 2013 in the Central Business District.
  不再是只有大型酒店连锁集团有能力开设高档酒店。Abercrombie and Kent旅游公司北京办事处的经理奥斯汀·朱(Austin Zhu)说,在北京,精品酒店也正成为一股潮流。比如时髦的北京怡亨酒店(Hotel Eclat Beijing),它于2013年在中央商务区开业。
  What’s Coming Ahead of the Winter Games?
  Mandarin Oriental has two projects planned for Beijing. The first is its long-delayed flagship property by the CCTV tower. The hotel was first scheduled for 2009 but was devastated by a huge fire just months before its planned opening. The Mandarin Beijing is now scheduled to open in the last quarter of 2016 after a complete renovation of the tower building.
  文华东方酒店集团(Mandarin Oriental)在北京有两个酒店规划。第一个是它延期已久的旗舰酒店,在中央电视台的新大楼北配楼里。该酒店原计划2009年开业,但是开业前几个月,大楼被一场大火烧毁。目前计划在大楼全面装修后,于2016年最后一个季度开业。
  Mandarin also announced it would have a second hotel in Beijing. Scheduled for 2017, the hotel will be much smaller, with just 74 rooms on Wangfujing Street, the city’s busiest commercial thoroughfare.
  Also in 2017, Bulgari Hotels and Resorts will open its fifth worldwide property in the Embassy District. The 120-room building faces the Liangma River. Nuo is planning a second location in the eastern suburb of Tongzhou, to open in 2019, in conjunction with the opening of Universal Studios.
  宝格丽度假酒店(Bulgari Hotels and Resorts)在北京使馆区修建的全球第五家分店也计划于2017年开业。这家酒店有120间客房,毗邻亮马河。诺金酒店集团计划2019年在北京市通州区东部的郊区开设第二家酒店,与环球影城(Universal Studios)主题公园一同开业。