英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0327 - 公务员考试人数为何下降(在线收听

 Topic1 Hangzhou clamps down on car platesEast China's Hangzhou city has begun restricting new car plates from Wednesday in a bid to reduce congestion and combat air pollution.

Tuesday's announcement to implement the policy came after several denials from the government over the past few months.
The move has enraged many local residents and caused panicking residents to stockpile vehicles during the last hours of Tuesday before the policy took effect on Wednesday.
Does Hangzhou need the car plate restriction?
Topic2 Civil Servant Exam Cools Down?
Civil servant or public service worker has been one of the most popular jobs in China for decades due to its high stability, social status, perks and power.
However, during the 2014 local civil servant exams, the number of examinees greatly dropped.
How much of a drop are we talking about?
Topic3 Hidden Rules Still Exist in China's Driving SchoolsThere are still complaints of bribery despite rules prohibiting driving school trainers from asking their trainees for goodies including cigarettes and liquor.
China National Radio reports that a Mr. Wang from east China's Qingdao city says that his wife, who started her driving lessons last year, still hasn't passed the test for subject 3.
But in addition to paying an average fee of 4,200 yuan for the tuition fee, she had to pay another whopping 7,000 yuan as bribes to her trainees in an attempt to get an easier pass at drivers' tests.
Are Chinese driving schools really bad?
Topic4 Pricey tickets for performance venuesA recent survey finds out that average prices for performance venues in Beijing are four to eight times higher than the prices people expect.
The result might help explain why many of the Beijing public turn to the internet to satisfy their needs for arts and entertainment, which is basically free.
Are performance venues too expensive?