英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0411- 小学生写作文理想做土豪(在线收听

 Topic 1: WHO urges China to use graphic warnings on tobacco packetsA new report from the World Health Organization recommends that China should incorporate large, graphic images of the negative impacts of tobacco on cigarette packets. The WHO says that this will be effective in reducing the country's smoking rates.

What kind of warning does China have now? Has it been effective in reducing tobacco usage?
Topic 2: Jaywalking Unstoppable in BeijingA survey shows that Beijing's attempts to crack down on jaywalking have been weak and measures to address the issue that were passed a year ago have done little to deter pedestrians from illegally crossing the street in the Chinese capital.
A survey from Beijing-based Legal Evening News shows that around 70 percent of the people believed that they have not stopped jaywalking, despite the city's ordinance.
When asked whether the rules will actually make an impact, more than 60 percent of respondents were not optimistic.
Is jaywalking really that big of a problem?
Topic 3: Chinese Pupils Dream of Becoming a TuhaoOnce a year, students all around the country are asked to write down their dreams for the future. However, as the country changes, so do youngsters' dreams. It used to be that everyone wanted to be a doctor or a scientist. Now, it seems that some sixth graders in Hubei province have startled their teachers by saying they want to chihuo吃货or tuhao土豪 when they grow up.
What do these dreams say about the kids?
Topic 4: Celebrities and brandsAfter Voice of China star Li Daimo was arrested in a drug raid, all the advertisements featuring him have disappeared from the internet. The stock price of Zhejiang Fuchunjiang Hydropower Equipment, a major shareholder in the media company that runs the show, lost over 4 billion yuan in value.
Celebrities have always been a valued commodity both to sell entertainment and other products. The Li Daimo case is a bit extreme, perhaps, but how often does it happen that celebrities have such a large negative impact on the companies they're associated with?
Topic 5: Do you prefer male or female boss?
A recent survey by recruiting consultancy Hays shows that in China 36% of management positions are held by women. That's higher that the average for Asia of 28%. Hays says that this indicates that China has made significant progress in developing and nurturing female leaders.
However, a survey by Gallup shows in America, people prefer a male boss when taking a new job.
What do you think? Do men make better bosses?
Topic 6: Marriage rundownA list of all the things you need to do before and on your wedding day has become very popular on weibo. It lists all the things couples should do in preparation as well as more 200 items that need to be completed on the big day.
Some people joke that it's no wonder people only want to get married once in their life. Is getting married in China really that burdensome?