
   Beer is a low-alcohol beverage obtained by fermentation of malt. The main ingredients involved in the set are: malt, yeast, hops extract (plant bitter taste) and carbon dioxide, which is what makes soda.

  One positive aspect is that the beer has less alcohol content compared with wine or other spirits, but let's nutrition.
  The beer contains a small amount of vitamins and minerals derived mostly from yeast. Yeast is rich in B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, however, yeast in beer is very dilute, so that the vitamins are made in small quantities.
  It contains vitamin B2, B6 and folate, 2 to 3% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and E are completely absent in the beer.
  One thing that might interest them vegans is that non-alcoholic beer can be found vitamin B12.
  It has 1 to 2% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.
  Beer is one of the best sources of chromium, this trace element deficiency can cause the onset of diabetes.
  The dark beer is rich in antioxidant flavonoids similar to those in red wine, so as to exert a protective effect on the heart. But do not rule out negative effects on the heart muscle and other organs.
  These are some of the nutrients that have but we can not ignore the fact that habitual consumption promotes the development of rectal cancer, gout, and migraine. Therefore their intake should be moderate and occasional.
  在啤酒含有的维生素B2,B6和叶酸中,2% —3%的每日人体所需维他命C和E已经完全消失。
  啤酒当中还有1%—2% 的每日人体所需的钙,磷,镁,钾。