英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0506 - 为何落马官员多迷信(在线收听

 Topic1 Firemen Death Reveals Industry ProblemsTwo young Chinese firefighters who fell to their deaths during a blaze in a high-rise building are being hailed as heroes of the post-1990 generation.

Qian Lingyun (钱凌云) and Liu Jie (刘杰) died while responding to the fire in an apartment on the 13th floor of the building in Shanghai.
Comments such as "You are heroes" and another "Heaven needs the brave like you" have been pouring in on Weibo.
What happened? Could the death of these two young firemen have been prevented?
Topic2 China telecoms operators are to share infrastructureChina's three main telecommunications service providers have started talks on setting up a joint venture to allow for infrastructure-sharing.
The cooperation could lower the cost of developing mobile networks across the country.
What is the plan about?
Topic3 Superstitious OfficialsLast week, China's top anti-graft watchdog announces that the former Deputy Party Secretary of Sichuan Province Li Chuncheng has been expelled from the party. Aside from the usual reasons of accepting huge bribes and abusing power, Li was also accused for his indulgence in "feudalistic superstitious activities".
As a matter of fact, Li is not the only government official who believes in fortune telling.
Is it a big problem?
Topic4 School, Kindergarten Canteens Fail to Pass Food Safety CheckChinese people are familiar with this warning: Never expect canteen food to be good.
But the reality is even harsher than this, because you would at lease hope that the food is safe.
Food safety watchdog in south China's Hainan province says a recent random inspection has found only one out of a total 67 school and kindergarten canteens has met food safety standards.
How big is the problem?
Topic5 Banks Ask Customers to Go to ATMRecently, People's Daily publishes an article, criticizing that some banks refuse to provide personal service for clients who want to make petty deposits. This means clients can only do it on ATMS.
Is it a problem?