历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-02-23(在线收听

 February 23rd 1945. An iconic image from World War II during the battle of Iwo Jima in the Pacific. US marines’ fighting Japanese forces seize Mound Suribachi and raise an American flag twice in the same day. Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal captures the second flag-raising in the Pulitzer Prize winning photo.

1991. During the Persian Gulf War, an American-led coalition begins a ground offensive against Iraq forces in Kuweit. Within days the offensive drives Saddam Hussein’s forces out of Kuweit and a ceasefire is declared  .
1997. Scientists in Scotland say they have cloned the first mammal from an adult cell, a lamb they called Dolly. Six years later Dolly is put to death after premature aging and disease mar her short existence.
1965. Stan Laurel, half the Laurel and Hardy comedy team dies in Santa Monica, Califorlia, at age 74. And 2000. Carlos Santana wins 8 Grammys for his album “Supernatural” that ties the record set by Michael Jackson's “Thriller” album for the most trophies on Grammy night.
Today in history, February 23rd. Sandy kozel, the Associated Press.