历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-03-03(在线收听

 March 3rd, 1991In Los Angeles, a scene caught on amateur video sparks an outcry in the United States. Police officers severely beat black motorist Rodney King after he is stopped for speeding. The following year, the four white officers charged in the beating are acquitted of almost all state charges. That triggers the LA Riots which kill 55 people and cause a billion dollars in property damage.

1847Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone is born in Edinburgh, Scotland.
1931"O! say can you see," the Star-Spangled Banner officially becomes the national anthem of the United States.
1923Henry Luce and Briton Hadden begin publishing Time, America's first major weekly news magzine.
And 2005Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly around the world alone without stopping or refueling. "It's a tremendous sensation to the covering that much a distance. And that was the truly enjoyable part of flight." The millionair adventurer touches down in central Kansas after a 67-hour journey, spanning 23,000 miles.
Today in History, March 3rd. David Melendy, the Associated Press.