历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-03-05(在线收听

 March 5th, 1770“The Boston Massacre” takes place, an event that contributes to the outbreakof the American Revolution a few years later. It happens when British soldiers in Boston, taunted by a crowd of American colonists, open fire and kill five people.

1946,In Fulton, Missouri, Britain's Winston Churchill warns about the Soviet Union's growing influence in Eastern Europe after WWII. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.”
1953,The Soviet Union's dictator Josef Stalin dies at age 73, ending a brutal rule of nearly 30 years that made Moscow a world superpower.
1982,“Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is!” In Hollywood, comedian John Belushi is found dead of a drug overdose. He was 33. Belushi starred in TV's original Saturday Night Live and the movies “Animal House” and “The Blues Brothers”.
And 1963,“Crazy, I’m crazy for feeling, so lonely feel.” Singer Patsy Cline dies with two other country music performers in a plane crash near Camden, Tennessee. She was 30.
Today in History, March 5th, Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.