英国下起“苹果雨” 能砸出多少个牛顿来?(在线收听

   After a series of storm warnings, drivers in the evening rush hour were prepared for almost anything. Except, that is, for it to start raining apples.

  Scores of them battered car roofs and windscreens before landing in the road at a busy junction in Coundon, Coventry. The deluge of fruit brought traffic to a standstill at 6.45pm on Monday.
  One motorist, who was travelling with her husband, said: ‘The apples fell out of nowhere. They were small and green and hit the bonnet hard. Everyone had to stop their cars suddenly.’
  The phenomenon is believed to be down to a mini tornado which touched down elsewhere, sucking apples from the ground or from trees. Such a powerful vacuum could have travelled for many miles before the tornado’s energy dissipated, depositing the fruit over Coventry.
  Another theory is that the apples could have fallen from the hold of a plane.
  Brian Meakins, 63, was stunned when he opened his front door and found his garden full of smashed apples. The retired forklift truck driver said: ‘At first I assumed kids must have thrown them because we do get the occasional egg and apple thrown but there’s way too many for that.’
  63岁的退休叉车司机Brian Meakins表示,在他打开前门看见花园里一片狼藉满地砸碎的苹果时,简直是目瞪口呆。“我开始以为是淘气的孩子们捣乱,他们有时间会把鸡蛋或苹果丢到我们家院子里。不过这次看起来也太多了点!”
  Jim Dale, senior meteorologist from British Weather Services, said the event was probably caused by ‘returning polar maritime air’.
  英国气象服务的高级气象学家Jim Dale表示这场苹果雨很有可能是因为回流的极地海洋气团造成的。
  ‘Essentially these events are caused when a vortex of air, kind of like a mini tornado, lifts things off the ground rising up into the atmosphere until the air around it causes them to fall to earth again.
  ‘We’ve all heard of fish and frogs falling from the sky and apples is certainly unusual because they have some weight to them but it is not out of the realms of possibility.’