历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-06-26(在线收听

 June 26th, 1963During the Cold War, President John F. Kennedy visits what's then West Berlin, showing solidarity with its citizens against communism. “As a free man, I take pride in the words ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’.” The visit takes place exactly fifteen years after the start of an American-led airlift to West Berlin, aimed at breaking a Soviet blockade.

1945,In San Francisco, fifty countries sign the United Nations Charter, the governing blueprint for the international organization formed after WWII.
2000,After a decade of work, rival scientific teams complete the first rough map of the human genetic code. Michael Morgan is with the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. “We all tone related very, very closely to one another. There are more differences in an ethnic group and narrow between ethnic groups at least the billion of DNA.
1870,In New Jersey, the first section of Atlantic City's famed boardwalk, running about a mile long, opens to the public.
And 1925,Charlie Chaplin's “The Gold Rush”, a silver screen comic masterpiece, premieres in Hollywood.
Today in History, June 26th, Tim Maguire, the Associated Press.