历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-07-14(在线收听

 July 14th 1789Start of the French Revolution whose impact is felt across European for generations to come. Citizens in Paris storm the Bastille prison, a symbol of the French monarchy's tyranny  and release 7 prisoners inside.

1881Well this is how Billy the kid met his fate.
William H. Bonney, Jr., the outlaw known as Billy the Kid is shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner, New Mexico.
1966Richard Speck murders 8 student nurses in a Chicago dormitory. He spends the rest of his life behind bars, dieing in prison more than 25 years later.
1965NASA's Mariner 4 space probe flies by Mars, sending back the first pictures of the red planet surface.
And 1912This land is your land and this land is my land.
Woody Guthrie, the folk music legend whose songs include This Land is Your Land is born in Okemah, Oklahoma.
Today in History, July14th, Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.