历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-07-24(在线收听

 July 24th, 1974. “What I’ve stated from the beginning to be the truth has been the truth.”

In Washington, the US Supreme Court weighs in on the Watergate Scandal. It says President Richard Nixon must turnover subpoenaed White House tape recordings sought by the Watergate Special prosecutor. The unanimous ruling prompts Nixon to resign from office weeks later.
1959. What’s then known as the Kitchen Debate between Cold War super powers takes place at an American exhibition in Moscow.
“All that I can see from the way you talk and the way you dominated the conversation, you have made a good lawyer yourself.”
That’s where then Vice President and Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev compare their countries’ political and economic systems.
1847. Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers arrive in the Great Salt Lake Valley, in present day, Utah. That’s where the Mormons settle in America’s west, founding what’s now known as Salt Lake City.
1783. Simón Bolívar, who led revolts against Spain’s colonial rule in Latin America, is born in Caracas, Venezuela.
And 1969. Apollo XI splashes down safely in the Pacific Ocean, just days after 2 of its astronauts become the first men to set foot on the moon.
Today in History, July 24th. Ed Donahue, the Associated Press.