历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-08-13(在线收听

 August 13th 1961The Cold War division of Berlin deepens, leading to an iconic symbol of the conflict . East Germany seals the border between the city’s west and east to halt the flight of refugees. Days later, construction begins on the Berlin Wall, meant to serve as a permanent barrier . The wall falls nearly 3 decades later as Communism crumbles across  Eastern Europe.

1926Cuba’s Fidel Castro is born on this day although some sources say he was born a year later. Castro established the first Communist state in the Western Hemisphere, challenging the United States during the Cold War and beyond.
1521Spain makes a major conquest in North America. Hernando Cortez captures present-day Mexico City from Aztec Indians. Spanish rule in Mexico lasts for the next 3 centuries.
1899Alfred Hitchcock, director of silver screen thrillers is born in London. Among his films: Psycho, North by Northwest, Vertigo, Rear Window and The Birds.
And 1995In Dallas, baseball hall of famer Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees dies of liver cancer. He was 63 years old.
Today in History, August 13th. Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press.