英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0522 - 什么年代都得讲究门当户对(在线收听

 Topic1 TCM kills endangered animalsToday, May 22nd, has been named The International Day for Biological Diversity by the United Nations. To prevent endangered animals from disappearing from this planet, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) have to make some compromise.

Is TCM threatening endangered animals?
Topic2 Doubts raised over safety and legality of online willsSocial media is a part of our daily life.
So much so, that many of today's Chinese have made their last wills online as to how they want their possessions to be dealt with after passing away.
It sounds natural. But are these wills effective…and legal?
Topic3 Shenzhen to Punish Drivers that Obstruct Ambulance PathRecently, Shenzhen ambulances are mounted with dashboard video cameras to help collect evidence and prosecute drivers that obstruct their path.
Why does the local traffic department do this?
Topic4 Normal University Students SurveyMany kids dream of becoming a teacher and when they grow up, only a few hold on to their childhood choice. So how are they doing?
Recently, East China Normal University issued a survey about the country's normal students. It gives us a brief idea of what teachers and teachers-to-be think of this profession.
Why did they choose this major?
Topic5 Dating expo in ShanghaiEvery day, there are people trying to find their Mr. and Ms. Right, holding the belief that the right one is definitely somewhere out there and they just haven't met each other yet.
Now a matchmaking event in Shanghai, the biggest of its kind in the city, is providing a place and opportunity for those in searching to meet one another, hopefully.
The fifth Shanghai Matchmaking Expo is going to be held this weekend, and about 24,000 people have registered to attend the event.
Is it going to help?
Topic6 Matching background is good for marriageDo modern Chinese still believe in 门当户对, matching family background between couples? Apparently so. Recently China Youth Daily Investigation Center interviewed nearly 80,000 people and approximately 60% of interviewees believe people should consider about Mendang Hudui when they choose life partner; and about 68% believe Mendang Hudui is good for future marriage life.
What does 门当户对 entail? When people say it's important, what do they mean?