历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-10-20(在线收听

 “I have given him absolute authority.” October 20th, 1973, in Washington, a chapter during the Watergate scandal known as the Saturday Night Massacre: President Richard Nixon orders the firing of Archibald Cox-the Watergate special prosecutor. But Attorney General Elliot Richardson refuses it. Both he and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resign. Acting Attorney General Robert Bork ultimately fires Cox-a move that fuels calls for Nixon’s impeachment.

1944, during World War Ⅱ, General Douglas MacArthur keeps his promise of “I shall return to the Philippines.” MacArthur steps ashore as American forces liberate the islands conquered by the Japanese 2.5 years earlier.
1947, the Cold War heats up on Capitol Hill. The House Un-American Activities Committee opens hearings into alleged Communist influence and infiltration within the America’s motion picture industry.
2004, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ivan "Chip" Frederick pleads guilty to abusing Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. He is the highest ranking of the dozen soldiers convicted in the scandal following the American later invasion of Iraq. Frederick's paroled after serving about 3 years of an 8 years’ sentence.
1968, former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy marries Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping tycoon on the island of Skorpios.
And 1977, tragedy strikes the rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd, 3 the band’s members are killed when a chartered plane crashes near McComb, Mississippi.
Today in History. October 20th. Tim Maguire, the Associated Press.