历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-10-23(在线收听

 October 23rd, 1983In Lebanon, a suicide truck bomb strikes U.S. Marine Headquarters at Beirut International Airport.The blast kills 241 marines and American sailors, part of an international peace-keeping force. At about the same time, another attack kills 58 French paratroopers. President Ronald Reagan:”We must not allow international criminals and thugs such like these to undermine the peace in Lebanon.” Within weeks Regan starts withdrawing U.S. forces from the Middle East country.

1956In Eastern Europe a cold war uprising behind the Iron Curtain. Students in Hungary spark a spontaneous revolt against their communist rulers in the capital Budapest. As the revolution spreads Soviet Forces enter the country crushing the uprising within weeks.
1973President Richard Nixon agrees to turn over White House tape recordings to Judge John J. Sirica. The tapes sought by the Watergate Special Prosecutor are flashpointin the scandal that automatically drives Nixon from office.
2006Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling is sentenced to 24 months, 4 years in prison for his role in the company’s 2001 collapse. Enron’s demise wiped out thousands of jobs, more than 60 billion dollars in market value and more than 2 billion dollars in pension plans and what has been the 7th largest company in the country.
And 1925Johnny Carson, TV’s king of Late Night for three decades as host of NBC’s “The Tonight Show”, is born in Corning Iowa.
Today in History, October 23rd, Carload Bradley, the Associate Press.