历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-10-19(在线收听

 October 19th 1781The decisive victory in the Revolutionary War, British troops under Lord Cornwallis surrender to American and French forces at the battle of Yorktown in Virginia. In a peace treaty a few years later, Britain officially recognizes the independence of its former colonies, the United States.

1987A stock market crash on Wall Street, the Dow Jones plunges 508 points or 22.6 percent in value. That's the second biggest one day percentage drop for the Dow ever.
1812French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte begin their disastrous retreat from Moscow. Tens of thousands of troops die from hunger, cold and Russian attacks during their retreat as winter arrives early.
And 1977The supersonic Concorde makes its first landing in New York City.
Today in History, October 19th, Nancy Lance, the Associated Press.