历史上的今天-Today in History 2013-09-05(在线收听

 September 5th, 1972“You are welcome. Israeli Olympic team is destroyed much of it, some of them are officials.” A massacre at the Summer Olympic Games in Munich, in what's then West Germany. Palestinian guerrillas attack the Israeli Olympic team, killing two athletes in their rooms, taking nine others hostage. The nearly two-day standoff ends with a total of 11 Israelis, five of their attackers and a police officer dead.

1975,In Sacramento, California, President Gerald Ford escapes the first of two assassination attempts, just weeks apart. AP Correspondent Walter Rodgers, “The woman came within three feet of the president but police and Mr. Ford’s Secret Service agents referred her to the ground before she could get a shot off.” Ford's would-be assassin, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a disciple of convicted murderer Charles Manson, gets life behind bars.
1957,Jack Kerouac's novel “On the Road”, a major work of the Beat Generation during the decade after WWII, is first published. And 1997,“To save the joy of loving, to start working, start loving the poor, start doing something that is a best favor to the member.” Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta, India. She was 87 years old. Today in History, September 5th, Ross Simpson, the Associated Press.