历史上的今天-Today in History 2013-09-15(在线收听

 And they died in Birmingham. September 15th, 1963, in Birmingham Alabama, a tragedy that galvanizes the America’s Civil Rights Movement. 4 black girls are killed when a bomb explodes during Sunday services at the 16 street Baptist Church. 3 Ku Klux Klansmen are eventually convicted for their roles in the blast.

2005, weeks after hurricane Katrina slams into the Gulf Coast, President George W. Bush speaks from storm-ravaged New Orelands. He acknowledges Washington’s failures in responding adequately to the disaster and urges Congress to approve a massive reconstruction program. "When the federal government fails to meet such an obligation, I, as president, am responsible for the problem and for the solution."1935, Nazi Germany enacts the Nuremberg Laws, depriving German Jews of their citizenship. The laws which also adopt the swastika as Germany’s official symbol are a major step on the road to the Holocausts .
1950, during the Korean War, American land forces under the United Nation’s banner stage a daring landing at Inchon. The amphibious assault behind enemy lines leads to the liberation of South Korea’s capital Seoul from the communist North.
1776, British forces occupy New York during the American Revolution. They remain for the next 7years until the United States achieves its independence. 1890, Agatha Christie, the mystery writer whose works include Murder on the Orient Express, is born in Torquay, Devon, England.
And 1946, “We all have a violent demon, all of us; I mean some more recede than others. But it’s still there!” Oliver Stone, movie director and screen writer, is born in New York City. Among his films: Platoon, JFK, Natural Born Killers and Born on the Fourth of July.
Today in History. September 15th. Tim Maguire, the Associated Press.