历史上的今天-Today in History 2012-02-16(在线收听

 Feburary 16th 1862. A blow to the breakaway south during the civil war. Some fourteen thousand Confederate soldiers surrender to Union forces in the battle of Fort Donelson, Tennessee.

2002. “Families from the Walker County and around the world have been horrified to learn that their love ones may not have been properly light to rest.” Authorities in Georgia arrest  a crematory operator after hundeds of decomposing corpses are found stacked in storage sheds in the surrounding woods. The operator Ray Brent Marsh later pleads guilty and gets a dozen years behind bars. 1987. John Demjanjuk goes on trial in Jerusalem, accused of being the Nazi Concentration Camp guard known as “Ivan the terrible”. The Demjanjuk is later convicted, but Israel Supreme Court overturns that conviction.
1978. American gets the first 911 Call, a successful test of the emergency phone number in Haleyville, Alabama. And 2005. “it’s all about greed and people wanna keep their profits. I really don’t have any sympathy for the owners or for the players.” The NHL scraps what's left its season already decimated by a lockout over a salary cap for its players.
Today in history, Feburary 16th. Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.