历史上的今天-Today in History 2012-02-25(在线收听

 February 25th 1986People power in the Philippines, long-time leader Ferdinand Marcos flees the country amid mass protest after a tainted election. Corazon Aquino who ran against Marcos in that election is installed as a new president.

1956In Moscow, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev harshly criticizes his predecessor the late Joseph Stalin. Khrushchev denounces Stalin's cult of personality and abuses in power during a then secret speech before a Communist Party Congress.
1836Inventor Samuel Colt patents his revolver, a move that eventually popularizes the weapons' use.
1964"I'm gonna float like a butterfly and sting like a bee; his hands can't hit what his eyes can't see."Cassius Clay, later known as Muhammad Ali becomes world heavyweight boxing champ beating Sonny Liston in Miami Beach, Florida.
And 1943Really want to see you lord. But it takes so long, my lord.
Musician George Harrison known as the "quiet one" of the Beatles is born in Liverpool, England.
Today in History, February 25th, Tim Maguire, the Associated Press.