历史上的今天-Today in History 2012-03-08(在线收听

 March 8th, 1965, America deepens its military involvemnt in Southeast Asia, as the first US combat troops land in South Vietnam. 3,500 marines arrive to defend the US air base in Da Nang. Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams is there. “The marines are high. They are dedicated. They have to help the Vietnamese civilian find a better way of life.” The Vietnam War eventually divides the United States and ends a decade later when Vietnam is reunified under Communist rule. 1917, start of the Russian Revolution,rioting and strikes against the Russian empire break out in the city now known as St. Petersburg. By year’s end, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks seize power. They later form the Soviet Union, the world’s first Communist state. 1854, US Commodore Matthew C. Perry makes his second landing in Japan. Within a month, he concludes a treaty with the Japanese. That ends Japan’s more than 2 centuries of isolation from the West.

And 1999, “Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you…” Baseball Hall of Famer Joe DiMaggio, the New York Yankee’s dies of cancer in Hollywood, Florida. He was 84.
Today in History, March 8th. Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press